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句子结构常见错误 句子结构常见错误 Sen te nee Structure Problems 英语句子是受严格的语法规则制约的,在写作中 如果违背这些规则, 那么写出的句子就会使人无法理解,或引起歧 义。要想避免发生这 些情况,在写作时就必须处理好句子结构方面的 几个问题。我们对 常犯的写作错误进行了归纳。残缺句、接排句、 误置修饰语和悬垂 修饰语是句子结构中最常见的错误。我将对这些 问题逐一进行分析, 以帮助大家弄清写作中出现这些问题的原因,并 掌握纠正错误的方法 残缺句(Sentenee Fragments) 所谓残缺句,顾名思义,就是指不能独立成句的 一个不完整的 句子片断。尽管残缺句在形式上像句子一样是以 大写字母开头, 并在结尾处带有标点,然而在逻辑上并不能单独 表达一个完整 的意思,仅是一组词而已。请看下列句子: Fragme nt Won deri ng what his son was going to do. Revised Sentence Mr . Smith had been won deri ng what his son was going to do. Fragme nt Some errors in writ ing are serious. For example , fragme nts and run — on senten ces. Revised Senten ces Some errors in writ ing are serious, for example , fragme nts and run — on senten ces. OR Some errors in writ ing are serious, among which are fragme nts and run-on senten ces 虽然句子的残缺以各种形式出现,但最常见的形 式是被分隔开的从句 和以各种形式拆开的短语,如句号错误(period fault)。 Fragme nts Having driven across the desert . We enjoyed the cool weather. He enjoys flowers and shrubs . Which help scree n his yard from the street. Revised Senten ces Having driven across the desert , we enjoyed the cool weather. He enjoys flowers and shrubs , which help scree n his yard from the street . OR He enjoys flowers and shrubs . They help scree n his yard from the street. 在写作中要经常检查句子的残缺问题,特别要注 意那些以从属 连词或短语等开头的句子,这些词都是 危险 词”要确定以这 些词开始的每个从句,都应附属于一个独立的句 子。 避免残缺句的最好办法是注意区别句子和句子 的一部分。我们 知道句子的最基本特点是在语法和逻辑上是一 个完整的意义表 达单位。它至少具有一个主语和谓语。 动词的非 限定形式不能 在句中作为谓语单独使用,除非是在如Where to go tonight?简 短的问句中。因此在写句子时要特别注意。 改写残缺句主要有以下两种方法: 1将句中用的句号变成逗号,或把分隔开的短语 或从句同它所属 的句子合并成一个能表达完整意思的句子。 例如: Fragme nts Since there is a lack of interest . There is a great lack of information . You should make a determ ined effort to avoid sentence fragme nts. Because they are con sidered serious mistakes in writing . I look forward to holidays . For example, Tha nksgiv ing and Christmas . Revised Senten ces Si nee there is a lack of in terest , there is a great lack of in formati on. You should make a determ ined effort to avoid sentence fragme nts because


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