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论网络时代会计发展的实现方式 摘要 随着信息技术及网络技术的日益完善,通过互联网各计算机用户可以快捷地 传送或获取各种所需的信息。为了适应快速变化的环境,更好地利用网络带来的 各种优势,网络会计应运而生。网络会计的出现,不仅弥补了计算机会计的不足, 而且将会成为会计发展的新领域,给企业的进一步发展带来了很大的帮助。但是, 由于网络化自身就带有一定的安全问题,从而使企业网络会计中也存在着很多的 问题,在一定程度上不利于企业网络会计的应用。基于此,本文针对网络会计的 发展情况,首先对企业加强网络化会计发展的重要性进行了一定的探讨,然后进 一步分析了当前企业在应用网络会计中存在的问题,最后针对这些问题提出一些 完善的对策,希望这些对策有助于企业更好的实现网络会计的实施。 关键词:网络会计;重要性;实现方式 Abstract With the increasingly sophisticated information technology and network technology, can quickly send or obtain all the necessary information through the Internet all computer users. In order to adapt to the rapidly changing environment, and better use of the network and the various advantages of network accounting emerged. A network of accounting, not only to make up for the shortage of computer accounting, and will become a new development in the field of accounting, to the further development of enterprises is a big help. However, because the network itself on having some security issues, so that the corporate network, there are also a lot of accounting problems, to some extent, is not conducive to enterprise network accounting applications. Based on this, accounting for the development of the network, the first network for enterprises to strengthen the importance of the development of accounting, which must be discussed, and further analysis of the current problems in the application of enterprise networks that exist in accounting, and finally make some improvement on these issues countermeasures hope these responses help companies achieve better implementation of network accounting. Keywords: network accounting; importance; implementation 目录 1 引言 随着信息技术的开展,特别是在网络技术引发的全球信息化浪潮的引导下, 全球网络经济已具雏形。网络经济改变了整个社会经济的出产布局和劳作布局, 呈现了一些新的经济形式如虚拟企业:一种没有运营场所、没有物理实体、没有 切当工作地址的企业。一起也打破了传统的企业管理模式和会计模式,使现行财 务会计受到了无穷的冲击,使会计领域呈现了一些新问题,而网络会计的全面开 展受到了许多其的重视,给企业会计开展带来了一定的机缘和应战。


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