广东省东莞市寮步宏伟初级中学八年级英语下册 看图填词练习课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

广东省东莞市寮步宏伟初级中学八年级英语下册 看图填词练习课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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* 看图填词 ?第一招:金睛火眼(认真、细致地观察图画,就可以直接在图画中找到答案或信息) ?第二招:有样学样(善于从下文或前文找一模一样的信息) ?第三招:放飞想象(答案可以在图画或文章中推测出来) ?第四招:姿势与实际并重(注意填写动词的时态、语态和名词的单复数 ) ?第五招:讲究搭配(根据习惯用语和短语来填写) 技巧 方法 一找 二划 三固定 四判断 五注意人称、时态、单复数 Mr. White was r_____ when the doorbell r____ loudly. He rushed to the door and was very angry when he o______ the door. It was T______, a boy living next to him. He came to make fun of him. Little Tom often did this and then ran a_____. A moment l____, the doorbell rang a_____, and Mr. White was sure the naughty ( 调皮的) boy had come to make t_____. With a feather stick in h______, he went to open the door, but this time he f_____ it was a postman. Mr. White was r_______ when the doorbell r____ loudly. He rushed to the door and was very angry when he o______ the door. It was T______, a boy living next to him. He came to make fun of him. Little Tom often did this and then ran a_____. A moment l____, the doorbell rang a_____, and Mr. White was sure the naughty ( 调皮的) boy had come to make t______. With a feather stick in h_____, he went to open the door, but this time he f_____ it was a postman. reading rang opened Tom away later again trouble hand found It is ______ the first today. Li Ming doesn’t go to school. His _____ don’t need to go to work, either. What are they doing now? Look! Li Ming’s father is _______ a _______. His mother is _____ some _______. And Li Ling himself is ______ to the ______. He wants to know the weather on the afternoon. He’s going to play ______ if it is ______. It is ________ the first today. Li Ming doesn’t go to school. His ________ don’t need to go to work, either. What are they doing now? Look! Li Ming’s father is ________ a ___________. His mother is _____ some ________. And Li Ling himself is _________ to the ______. He wants to know the weather on the afternoon. He’s going to play _______ if it is ______. October parents reading newspaper doing washing listening radio football fine Debbie got up early last Saturday morning. She wanted to go


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