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PAGE 2 七年级下册英语暑假词汇、语法填空专项练习3 (1) 一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 milk milk,clean,along,one,rain 1.Turn right at the ___________ crossing. 2.If you can't sleep well,you can have some ___________. 3.In summer,it is usually___________ in my town. 4.I spend forty minutes ___________ the room. 5.Go ___________ the street and you can see a bank on your right. 二、单词拼写 My friend Tom is a 14-year-old 1___________(英俊的)boy. He is a little thin but healthy. He has short 2___________(直的)black hair and a 3___________(圆形的)face. There are some restaurants near his house. One of them sells many kinds of dumplings and they have different 4___________(大小). They are very 5___________(受欢迎的)with many people. Across from his house is a 6___________(电影院). He often goes there when there is a new movie. Jackie Chan is one of his favorite 7___________(演员). He wants to be a movie 8___________(艺术家). Ten years 9___________(以后),he will go to many interesting places around the 55___________(世界). He thinks his dream can come true. 三、语法填空 Do you know 1___________ he is?Oh,he is Teotronica from Italy. He looks 2___________ a gentleman. He is a great robot 3___________ black cap and he is very cool. He has a 4___________ of big hands and he has 19 fingers altogether. Teotronica plays 5___________ piano faster than humans because he has more fingers than humans. His two hands can play 6___________(differently)notes(琴键)together. He can sing some songs along with the piano music. He can use his eyes to "see" and "talk" with 7___________ (other) around him. He is very wonderful. Maybe he can make the music 8___________ (sound) better and better. Teotronica costs over £3,000 and takes over four years 9___________(make). He is really a great robot. Do you think 10___________? (2) 一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次 cross late art act put 1.My sister enjoys ___________ her backpack behind the chair. 2.Some of the___________ have a lot of pictures to draw every year 3.Zhao Wei is beautiful and she is one of my favorite_


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