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攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ABSTRACT 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 论行政裁量权的规制 学生姓名: 蒋 波___ 学生学号: 200810101030 院 (系): 人文社科学院 年级专业: 08 级 法学 指导教师: 包家新 副教授 二〇一二年五月 I I 摘 要 行政裁量权是现代行政法学的核心内容之一,其重要作用发挥于整个行政过 程之中。一方面,行政裁量权实现了个案公正。另一方面,如果无法正确、合理 行使行政裁量权,则容易出现枉法、滥用公权力,进而导致非正义。现实中行政 机关及主体滥用行政裁量权情况及现象依然存在,同时,行政立法相对滞后,这 导致它的行使是依法行政的难点所在。在通过大量的文献阅读与相关的行政事务 调查的基础上,本文对行政裁量权进行了界定,阐述了其存在的价值,通过分析 其行使中所出现的问题,提出了行政裁量权的立法控制、司法控制、程序控制、 社会控制等四种控制方法。 关键词 行政裁量权,行政主体,价值,规制 2 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Administrative discretion modern administrative law is one of the core contents, its important role in the administration process. On one hand, administrative discretion realized case justice. If on the other hand, the administrative subject can't correctly, reasonable exercise administrative discretion, is prone to initiate, misuse of public power, which caused injustice. The administrative authorities and in reality subject to abuse administrative discretion and phenomenon is still there and at the same time, the administrative legislation relatively lags behind, this leads to the exercise of it is difficulties in the administration according to law. In through a lot of literature reading and relevant administrative affairs on the base of investigation, this paper defined the administrative discretion, expounds its existence value, through t


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