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扬州市文津中学 丁 海 英 《 中 考 指 要》 扬州市 2016 年中考模拟 试 卷 讲 评 六 月 战 鼓 在 耳 旁 , 狭 路 相 逢 勇 者 胜 ; 中 考 号 角 已 吹 响 , 此 时 不 搏 待 何 时 。 总人数 最高分 最低分 平均分 及格 人数 及格率 优秀 人数 优秀率 54 113 91 101 54 100% 10 18% 各题型 平均失分 情况一览表 Please find the items with the most points. 请找出得分最多的三项。 单项选择题 -0.8 表扬: 1 、注重语境信息。 2 、能通过词义、语法和固 定搭配排除干扰项。 词汇运用 -0.35 表扬:注重“意 ”“ 形 ” 统一! 句子翻译 -1.2 表扬 : 1. 正确判断句型结构 2. 注意时态 3. 要点齐全 各题型 平均失分 情况一览表 Items with the fewest points : 失分最多的项目 学习目标 After learning, you will be able to 1. get an overview of the model test. 了解本次模拟试卷的概况。 2. analyze the mistakes as well as causes and improve the abilities of reading and writing. 分析错题并归纳错因,提高阅读与写作能力。 3. develop team spirit by cooperating with others. 通过分析试卷体验团队合作。 Do you remember any reading skills? Did you use them consciously ( 有意识的 ) while reading during the model test( 模拟考试 )? 阅读类题型常用策略 1. Skimming 快速浏览了解文章大意。 From Study skills in 9A Unit1 ① 标题 ②文章首末段 ③段落小标题 ④ 段落首句 2. Scanning 快速扫读相关信息 From Study skills in 9A Unit2 根据所给问题的中心词 / 短语找相关段落或句子 3. Guessing 猜测 From Study skills in 9A Unit3 , Unit4 通过 ① 上下文 ②构词法 四大阅读题型失分严重,问题诊断: 考试中不能有意识、灵活运用已学阅读策略,答题正确 率不高,耗时太多,使得最后书面表达匆忙收场,影响 正常发挥。 扬州中考 2012 阅读理解 B 篇 全文 Different countries have different customs in giving presents. In China you must never give a clock to a Chinese person, because the sound of the word for “ clock ” is similar to the sound of “ death ” . Also, don ' t wrap ( 用 …… 包 裹 ) a present in white, black, or blue paper, because they are the colours for funerals ( 葬礼 ). Don ' t give a knife, because something sharp can cut a friendship. In Russia if you give flowers as presents, you have to give an odd number of them (one, three, five, etc.) because even numbers of flowers are for funerals. In Germany if you are invited to dinner, flowers are good presents to take to your dinner hostess ( 女主人 ), but don ' t take her red roses because it means you are in love with her. Don ' t take thirteen of anything because it ' s an unlucky number. Don ' t take an even n


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