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gray wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone.Elk , deer , and coyote populations are down , while beavers and red foxes have made a comeback.The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well. 28 . What is the text mainly about? A . Wildlife research in the United States. B . Plant diversity in the Yellowstone area. C . The conflict between farmers and gray wolves. D . The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park. [ 解题思路 ] 第一步 题干关键词 the text mainly about 第二步 原文关键词 gray wolves , reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park 第三步比对选 项关键词 A Wildlife research in the United States. 美国野生动物研究。 以偏 概全 B Plant diversity in the Yellowstone area. 黄石地区的植 物多样性。 以偏 概全 C The conflict between farmers and gray wolves. 农民和灰狼之 间的冲突。 以偏 概全 第三步比 对选项关 键词 D The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park. 将狼重新引入黄石 公园。 直接 概括 第四步概 括总结 文章开门见山提出黄石公园引进灰狼的举措, 然后下文详细介绍其原因以及带来的良好转机, 最后一段回顾整个事件的经过,对重新引入灰 狼进行思考,由此判断本文的中心话题是黄石 公园对灰狼的引进 三、段落大意题 解答段落大意题的关键是抓住段落的主题句。 一般而 言, 每个段落总有一个中心, 通常中心思想会在首句或尾 句体现出来, 这就是常说的段落主题句。 总体来说, 采用 归纳法的段落, 细节表述在前, 归纳概括在后, 主题句在 段尾;采用演绎法的段落,先提出观点,后举例子,由一 般到特殊, 主题句出现在段首, 这种现象较多出现在说明 文和议论文中; 若作者采用 “特殊→一般→特殊” 的方式, 主题句可能出现在段落的中间。 有时, 作者没有写出明显 的主题句,考生要学会根据段落的内容概括出主题句。 [ 真题例析 ] (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅱ , C 篇 节 选 )Terrafugia Inc.said Monday that its new flying car has completed its first flight , bringing the company closer to its goal of selling the flying car within the next year.The vehicle — named the Transition — has two seats , four wheels and wings that fold up so it can be driven like a car.The Transition , which flew at 1 , 400 feet for eight minutes last month , can reach around 70 miles per hour on the road and 115 in the air.It flies using a 23- gallon tank of gas and burns 5 gallons per hour in the air.On the ground , it gets 35 miles per gallo



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