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7 . Why should you set practical aims? A . You will never feel disappointed. B . They will make you go on. C . You will carry out simple things. D . They will make you feel relaxed. 答案: B 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句 “ However, you must set realistic goals so as not to be disappointed. ” 可知,在锻炼时,要设置合理的 目标,那样就不至于失望,也就是说会有继续坚持的动力。 B 项 “ They will make you go on( 他们将会使你继续坚持 ) ” 符合语境,故选 B 。 8 . What does the underlined word “Sedentary” in the last paragraph mean? A . Unhealthy. B . Overeating. C . Unchangeable. D . Inactive. 答案: D 词义猜测题。根据 “ Sedentary lifestyle contributes to weight gain. ” 可知,这种生活方式会让人长胖。再结合后文中的 “ Perhaps adding physical activity to your schedule would help in weight management. ” 可知, 增加身体运动会有助于管理体重。说明前面那种生活方式就是 “ 缺少身体 锻炼的,不活跃的 ” 。 D 项 inactive 表示 “ 不活跃的,不积极的 ” 。故选 D 。 (2019· 安徽皖江名校联盟联考 )Tea is obviously a big deal in Britain, but have you ever wondered how it became a thing? Tomato sauce is not Italian; the tomato is native to South America and was not introduced to Europe until the 16th century. Tea isn't British, it wasn't even all that popular for Britons until the 17th century. But now it is as British as dull weather and red phone booths. Tea is of such great importance, that it was featured in the Evening Standard written by George Orwell back in 1946. The famous author describes the beverage ( 饮品 ) thusly “tea is one of the main stays of civilization in this country ”. But when, exactly, di d this practice become in fashion? The year was 1662, a mere 111 years before insurgents ( 茶党 ) from the soon - to - be ruling champions of the Revolutionary War dumped a whole bunch of tea into Boston Harbor. Catherine of Braganza of Portuguese royalty married King Charles Ⅱ of England, and then went on to make teatime a thing. But the thirst for tea fell at one time — the costs to transport it from the Far East were far more than Britons



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