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陕西科技大学论文 学 年 论 文 题目:论离婚精神损害赔偿 学 生: 林潇 学 号: 201007990117 院 (系): 管理学院 专 业: 法学 指导教师: 2012 年 12 月 29 日 -1- 陕西科技大学论文 论离婚精神损害赔偿 摘要 随着社会经济文化的发展,越来越强调男女平等和人权,离婚越来越自由,离婚率 也呈上升趋势。离婚对于无过错方,尤其是处于弱势地位的一方的精神损害尤为巨大, 而我国在离婚精神损害赔偿方面的立法尚不完善,有待更多的专家学者深入研究。本文 从我国的离婚精神损害赔偿历史谈起,结合有关法律法规和学者研究,说明我国离婚损 害赔偿的现状,深入分析,从立法上提出了完善离婚损害赔偿制度的个人建议,以期待 法律能够真正保护受害者权益,彰显社会公平正义。 关键词:离婚损害赔偿,拓宽范围,立法,道德 -1- 陕西科技大学论文 Discussion on theory divorce spiritual damage compensation ABSTRACT With the development of social economy and culture, more and more emphasis on equality and human rights, the divorce rate is more and more freedom, and also shows ascendant trend. Divorce for the innocent party, especially disadvantaged women's spiritual damage is particularly great, but our country in the divorce moral damage compensation legislation is not perfect, to be more experts and scholars further study. This paper from our divorce moral damage compensation of history, combined with the relevant laws, regulations and scholars research shows that divorce compensation for damage in the present situation, the thorough analysis, put forward the perfect legislation from divorce compensation for damage regulation personal Suggestions, in order to look forward to the law can truly protect victims' rights, reveal social fairness and justice. KEY WORDS:Divorce damage compensate ,Broaden the scope ,legislation ,morality


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