Emily Dickinson艾米丽迪金森.pptVIP

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Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886) The themes in Dickinson’s poems religion death and immortality love nature success and failure 1. religion Calvinism with its doctrine of predestination and its pessimism pressured her and colored her work so that her basic tone was tragic. 2. death and immortality Her views of death are rather contradictory. For Dickinson death leads to immortality; (“Because I could not stop for death”) death comes as imperceptibly as grief and marks the beginning of a higher life; (“As imperceptibly as Grief”) But she often conceived of the process of dying in poems, and was sometimes skeptical and ambivalent about the possibility of achieving immortality. (“I heard a fly buzz when I died”) 3.Love One group of her love poems treats the suffering and frustration love can cause. The other group of love poems focuses on the physical aspect of desire. she emphasizes the power of physical attraction and magnetism between sexes. (“Wild Nights– Wild Nights”) 4. nature In her poems Dickinson is skeptical about the relationship between man and nature . Nature is both benevolent and cruel. 5.On the ethical level 1.She emphasizes free will and human responsibility. 2.She attacks on materialism and commercialism. 3. She thinks that beauty, truth and goodness are ultimately one. 4.Some of her poems are influenced of transcendentalism: “The Brain—Is Wider than the Sky” Dickinson’s Artistic features: a. no titles b. dashes & capital letters c. short d. personal I’m Nobody! I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you-Nobody-too? Then there's a pair of us! Don't tell! they'd banish us-you know! 我是无名之辈,你是谁? 你,也是,无名之辈? 这就有了我们一对!可是别声张! 你知道,他们会大肆张扬 How dreary-to be-Somebody! How public-like a Frog- To tell your name-the livelong June To an admiring Bog! 做个,显要人物,好不无聊! 像个青蛙,向仰慕的泥沼—— 在整个六月,把个人的姓名 聒噪——何等招摇!(江枫译) I heard a fly buzz- when I died I heard


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