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安徽省阜阳市滑集中学2019年高三英语下学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. —Guess what? I happened to meet Fernando the other day. —If my memory serves me correctly, you _____ each other for ages. A.don't see??????? B.didn’t see??????? C.haven't seen???? D.hadn’t seen 参考答案: D 2. The bird was so lucky that it missed ????? A、catching B、to catch C、to be caught D、being caught 参考答案: D 3. The younger generation is turning its back on the traditional holiday routes of museums and shopping malls ______ adventurous experiences. A. in recognition of B. in defence of C. in terms of D. in favor of 参考答案: D 【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:年轻一代正在放弃博物馆和购物中心等传统的度假路线,而选择冒险体验。A. in recognition of承认;B. in defence of保护;C. in terms of依据;按照;D. in favor of支持;赞同;选择。根据句意故选D。 【点睛】"in + 名词 + of” 短语在中学教材中有很多, 现归纳如下: 1. in advance of在……之先, 胜过 Galileo’s theory were in advance of the age in which he lived. 伽利略的思想超越了他所生活的时代。 2. in behalf of 代表, 为了……的利益 I did all I could in behalf of my friend. 为朋友的利益, 我做了所能做的一切。 3. in case of 如果……发生, 如遇到…… In case of danger, you must be calm. 如果遇到危险, 你必须镇定。 注意: in the case of 就……来说, 至少 4. in charge of 看护, 管理 He is in charge of the school. 他负责管理这所学校。 注意: in the charge of由……管理 5. in course of 正在……之中 The bridge is in course of construction. 大桥正在建设中。 注意: in the course of 在……期间, 在……的过程中 6. in consequence of ……的结果, 由于 In consequence of heating, the length of the iron bar increased. 由于受热, 铁棒的长度增加了。 7. in defence of 保卫, 为……辨护 The soldiers fought bravely in defence of their country. 士兵们为保卫他们的国家英勇作战。 8. in favour of 赞成, 有利于 Everyone in the class voted in favour of the musical party. 班里每个人都投票赞成开个音乐会。 9. in fear of 担心, 害怕 The family that lived here fled in fear of the enemy. 住在这里的一家人因害怕敌人而逃走了。 10. in front of 在……前面(范围以外) In front of the farmhouse sat a small boy. 一个小男孩坐在农舍前面。 注意: in the front of 在……前部(范围内) 4. The couple are used to getting up before dawn,?????? it is still dark outside. A.as???????????????? B. where??????????????? C. which????????? D. when 参考答案: D 5. She’s ___ is known as a nosy


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