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1 Each snowing scene, 2 Finds me plucking the plum blossom, 3 Holding flowers and holding pain, 4 My tears are running all over them! 5 Now on the strangest sea, My temples are blown snowy white. 6 The late wind is heading for me, 7 Enjoying plum flowers so becomes hard . 8 Do you know who wrote this poem ﹖ 清平乐 年年雪里, 常插梅花醉, 挪尽梅花无好意, 赢得满衣清泪! 今年海角天涯, 萧萧两鬓生华。 看取晚来风势, 故应难看梅花。 ? Tranquil Glee , Each snowing scene, Finds me plucking the plum blossom, Holding flowers and holding pain, My tears are running all over them! Now on the strangest sea, My temples are blown snowy white. The late wind is heading for me, Enjoying plum flowers so becomes hard. 9 乱世中的美神 10 减字木兰花 ? “ 卖花担上,买的一枝春欲放!泪染轻匀,犹 带彤霞晓路痕。怕郎猜到,奴面不如花面好。 云鬓斜簪,徒要叫郎比并看!” 11 恬淡清雅 弦乐一般的风情 质如清水 灿若月华 12 Biography She was born(c.1083CE) in present-day Jinan of today's Shandong Province into a family of officials and scholars;her father was a friend of Su Shi. Before she got married,her poetry was alredy well-known within elite circles. Unlike other girls born in noble families, Li was outgoing and knowledgeable,she established herself early as a major talent. ------before she went south 13 -------The Marriage Life ? In 1101 she married Zhao Mingcheng , with whom she shared interests in art collection and epigraphy ( 题铭研究,金石学 ). After marriage,they loved each other deeply and led a very happy life.They lived in present-day Shandong . But after Zhao started his official career, he was often away from home. This inspired some of the love poems that she wrote. ? Both she and her husband collected many books. Her husband and she shared a love of poetry and often wrote poems for each other. They also wrote about bronze (青铜) artifacts of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. 14 In the year 1127, the Jin, a minority nationality in the north, vanquished the Northern Song government, which fled south and established the Southern Song regime in Hangzhou. The war broke up Li Qingzhao‘s happy family. Zh


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