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/??/ - /i?/ 例词: ear qu eer z e ro b ear d 短语: the atmosph ere h ere qu eer skier w ea ry mountain eer exp e r ie nced engin eer 31 /e?/ - /ε?/ 例词: h air b are p ear ch air 短语: million aire 's h eir m ayor 's p a rents squ are ch air s c are ful libr a rian 32 /??/ - /v?/ 例词: t our p oor j u ry g our d 短语: p oor tourists t our from China furious j u ry E u ropean g our d 33 Consonants (辅音) -plosives (爆破音) /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/ 34 /p/ 例词: p ig p ot p ond p lan 短语: p ick up a p epper p ot a p iece of p ork a p en and a p encil 35 /b/ 例词: b us b ed b ench b rush 短语: B ig B en a b ig b ottle b eautiful b louses b lue b utterflies 36 /t/ 例词: t ie t axi t ap t elephone 短语: t i t for t a t t ip of the t ongue fla t foo t t ale- t eller 37 /d/ 例词: d oor d octor hea d win d 短语: d arling d aughter d ark re d play ed cards listen ed to the ra d io 38 /k/ 例词: c ar duc k c loc k par k 短语: the bac k of the c ar as k question a quarter to si x c ool as c u c umber 39 /g/ 例词: ba g do g g oat g rape 短语: g ood g irl g o to the g rocer's as g ood as g old g et an g ry 40 Consonants (辅音) -fricatives (摩擦音) /f/, /v/, /θ/, /e/, /s/, /z/, /?/, /?/, /h/, /?/, /?/, /r/ 4 1 /f/ 例词: lau gh f at f ish f amily 短语: f resh f ruit f ast f ood so f t so f a f eel f ine 42 /v/ 例词 : v et v illage v olcano tele v ision 短语: lo v ely v iew v illage v et lea v ing arri v ing lea v es of the v ine 43 /θ/ 例词 : too th mon th th in th irsty 短语: th ree th ousand Mar th a's bir th day heal th y au th or th irty ma th ematicians 44 /e / 例词 : fa th er brea th e th at fea th er 短语: smooth lea th er get toge th er better th an o th ers ano th er bro th er 45 /s/ 例词: s un s mall hor s e bi c ycle 短语: s leep s oun


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