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黄河科技学院毕业论文 第 PAGE I 页 河南房地产企业打造品牌的策略 摘 要 近几年,我国建筑节能有了突飞猛进的发展,不仅在建筑领域,而自在社会各个领域已形成一股不可阻挡的强大潮流,这股潮流正有力地推动着社会经济的发展。?GDP的增长拉动了国内内需,提高了人们的收入,同时也为房地产事业的发展提供了契机,但是近年来房地产事业出现了“泡沫化”现象,虽然国家已经采取了一系列政策来净化房地产环境,力图促使房地产事业朝着稳定的方向前进。但从现在的房地产发展趋势来分析,离达到这个高度还需要一定的时间,不仅仅是泡沫化太严重不便于解决,而是房地产在中国经济发展种的地位对于如何定位房地产事业的发展方向比较困难。由于这种发展趋势的影响,河南房地产事业的发展也陷入了僵局,河南省是我国第一人口大省,新中国成立以来,尤其是改革开放以来,社会各项事业取得了巨大成就,经济总量多年位居全国第五,中西部之首,城市化率也得到很大提高,城市建设日新月异。近年来,房地产业在河南的国民经济中占据着重要地位。河南省房地产投资一直保持稳定高速增长,但是就河南省近几年的房地产发展现状来看,河南省的房地产品牌建立缺少稳定性,竞争力低,缺少创新和国际影响力。 关键词: 房地产 企业品牌 创新 建设 Abstract In recent years, our country has developed by leaps and bounds of building energy saving, not only in the field of construction, and ease social each domain has formed an unstoppable strong trend,the trend is effectively promotes the development of social economy. GDP growth stimulating domestic demand, improve the people's income, but also provided an opportunity for the development of real estate, but in recent years the real estate business to appear the phenomenon of "bubble", although the state has adopted a series of policies to purify the environment of real estate, tries to encourage the real estate business in the direction of stability. But according to the analysis of real estate development trend of the now from reaching this level also need a certain amount of time, not just bubble too serious is not easy to solve, but a kind of real estate in China's economic development status about how to locate the development direction of real estate enterprise more difficult. Because of the influence of the development trend of the development of henan province real estate also deadlocked, henan province is China's most populous province, since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening up, various social undertakings made great achievements, economic aggregate ranking fifth


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