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环境保护 环境污染 与 Environmental pollution and environmental protection 4月22日世界地球日 6月5日世界环境日 保护环境 April 22 Earth Day June 5 World Environment Day 地球永远与人息息相关,永远与大地母亲同在 我们一直在努力向前 The earth is closely related with people forever, forever and Mother Earth with the 下面请欣赏我们人类的杰作 Below, please enjoy the masterpiece of our humanity 丹麦当男的长到十八岁的时候就会用屠杀鲸鱼来证明自己长大了,这样真的能证明自己的勇气吗??? Denmark when men grow to eighteen years of age when I would have to prove himself killing whales grow up, this really can prove his courage? ? ? 这个我不解释,你们懂得 This I do not explain, you know 可吸入颗粒物来源: 我们每天就生活在这环境中 Every day we live in this environment Respirable particulate matter sources 沙尘暴: Sandstorm 光化学烟雾 Photochemical smog 一般认为,酸雨是由于燃烧高硫煤排放的二氧化硫等酸性气体进入大气后,造成局部地区大气中的二氧化硫富集,在水凝结过程中,溶解于水形成亚硫酸,然后经某些污染物的催化作用及氧化剂的的氧化作用生成硫酸,随雨水降下形成酸雨. 酸雨的pH值一般少于5.6. 酸雨 结束 (Acid rain) Generally believed that acid rain is sulfur dioxide emissions from burning high-sulfur coal and other acid gases into the atmosphere, resulting in localized concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, the water condensation process, dissolved in water to form sulfurous acid, and then by some of the pollutants catalytic oxidation and oxidant to generate sulfuric acid, with water down the formation of acid rain. The pH of acid rain is generally less than 5.6. 结束 结束 Chemical yellow smoke 结束 结束 在距离地面约25Km处,有一层由太阳强辐射造成的臭氧层,它能吸收太阳紫外线,使大部分有害射线不能到达地球表面,保护地球生物免遭伤害,是地球的“保护伞”。 20世纪70年代以来,人们大量使用冰箱、空调,释放出大量的氟氯烃化合物(氟利昂),上升到臭氧层,通过光化学反应大量消耗臭氧。1979-1990年,全球臭氧总量大致下降3%, 南极附近臭氧量减少尤为严重,出现了全球臭氧量最低值,大约低于全球平均值的30%-40%,相对于其他地区来说,就象是一个洞,这就是“南极臭氧洞”。 臭氧空洞 结束 Fog ozone hole At the ground at a distance of about 25Km, with a layer of strong radiation from the sun, the ozone layer, it can absorb the sun's ultraviolet light, so most of the harmful rays can not reach the Earth's surface, protection from harm life on Earth, the Earth's "umbrella." Since the 1970s, a large number of people using refrigerators, air con


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