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NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Int Rev Immunol . Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 November 01. N Published in final edited form as: I H Int Rev Immunol . 2014 ; 33(6): 498–510. doi:10.31092014.889129. - P A A u The role of the liver in sepsis t h o r M Jun Yan, a Department of Paediatrics Research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, n u Houston, TX, 77030, USA s c r i p Song Li, and t School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 15261, USA Shulin Li Department of Paediatrics Research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, TX, 77030, USA N Abstract I H - P Despite the progress made in the clinical management of sepsis, sepsis morbidity and mortality A rates remain high. The inflammatory pathogenesis and organ injury leading to death from sepsis A u are not fully understood for vital organs, especially the liver. Only recently has the role of the liver t h in sepsis begun to be revealed. Pre-existing liver dysfunction is a risk factor for the progression of o r infection to sepsis. Liver dysfunction after sepsis is an independent risk factor for multiple organ M a dysfunction and sepsis-induced death. The liver works as a lymphoid organ in response to sepsis. n u Acting as a double-edged sword in sepsis, the liver-mediated immune response is responsible for s c clearing bacteria and toxins but also causes inflammation, immunosuppression, and organ damage. r i p t Attenuating liv


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