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新干线外语学校西区教学点 2012 年夏季新概念英语 2B试卷 name score Listening Part 、听录音并判断以下每组单词的发音是否相同。请在题前括号内写 S(相同)或D (不同)(2 ‘0=30’) ( )1.sun j son ( )2.height hate ( )3.wait weight ( )4.quite quiet ( )5.hours ours ( )6.file feel ( )7.write right ( )8.k now now ( )9.there their ( )10.later letter ( )11.meet meat ( )12.blow blue ( )13.two too ( )14will wheel ( )15.tall tell 、 听问句, 选答句 (2 ‘ 5=10') ()1. A.Yes.l did, but I played very badly. B.Y es,she did, It's great. ( )2.A.They fini shed it last Friday. B. They fini shed it at home. ()3A It 'exactly 10 kilos. B. It 'on ly 2 metres long. ( )4.A.No, one is black and the other is blue. B.No, one is older tha n the other. ()5.A. Yes, I do. B.Y es, I will. 三、听录音,填入所缺的词(3‘ 20=60') Milly and Jilly twins. They are ten years old. They go same school and both same class. One exactly like They look the same and they sound same. They in the same way and they in the same way. Their Mrs. Strong, has a with them. She one twin other. How your mother ?she says. Oh, that's easy/ Milly . Yes,' Jilly says. ‘ differe nt n ames.' So is Milly? says Mrs. Strong. an swerat the same time. ‘ !'they say. Reading and writing Part 读写部分 一、选择题(2 ’>0=20') ( )1.Kare n some shopp ing tomorrow. A.did B.does C.will do ( )2.Kare n a ticket to New York yesterday. A.buy B.will buy C.bought ()3.What's the height that buildi ng? A.for B.of C.with D.to ( )4.It 'about ten minu tes from your house the stati on, i s'it? A.un til B.at C.to D.for ( )5.1 must be home 5 oclock. A.at B.in C.from D.of ( )6.How much do you want? Just pounds. A.a littleB.littleC.a few A.a little B.little C.a few ( )7. You always spe nd your pocket money the begi nning of the month. A.to B.at C.o n D.for ( )8. You've always got money tha n me. A.much B.ma ny C.more D.most ()9.What' your report ,Vikki? A.good B.do C.like D.well ( )10」'm sorry, I can't you any mon ey. A.buy B.borrow C」end D.help 二、问答搭配(2 ‘)0=20') No,one'black and the othe'blue. No, ours is older tha n theirs. C」t 'quite heavy. Itsabou


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