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昭通市威信县民营企业人才流失问题及对策研究 摘要:本文对昭通市威信县民营企业人才流失现状做了分析,认为当前,昭通市威信县民营企业的人才流失率过高,流失人员中较大比例是高管和技术人员。同时对昭通市威信县民营企业人才流失原因进行了深入分析,认为原因有一下四个:(一)工作设计缺陷(二)市场快速发展凸显“物以稀为贵”(三)组织结构缺陷形成“骨质疏松”(四)企业文化“空气稀薄”造成凝聚力下降此外探讨了昭通市威信县民营企业人才流失对策:(一)明确战略目标,建立目标管理体系(二)建立切实的利益分配制度(三)逐步建立与完善绩校考核制度(四)加强企业的思想与文化建设(五)加强干部的组织建设与培养最后进行了案例分析——以威信县瑞丰大酒店为例。 关键词:民营企业;人才流失;对策 Study on the problems and Countermeasures of brain drain in private enterprise prestige County of Zhaotong City Abstract:The talent of private enterprise prestige County of Zhaotong city drain status analysis, that the current private enterprises in Zhaotong City, Weixin county personnel turnover rate is too high, the loss of staff in a large proportion of executives and technicians. At the same time, talents in private enterprises in Weixin County Zhaotong City loss are analyzed deeply, think the reason has four: (a) the work design defects (two) the rapid development of the market highlights the "rarity" (three) the formation of "osteoporosis structural defects (four)" corporate culture "thin air" cause decreased cohesiveness is also discussed. Countermeasures of brain drain of private enterprise prestige County of Zhaotong City: (a) a clear strategic target, establish the system of management by objectives (two) to establish the benefit distribution system (three) and gradually establish and perfect the performance appraisal system (four) to strengthen the ideological and cultural construction enterprises (five) at the end of the case analysis -- in Weixin County Ruifeng Le Grand Large Hotel as an example and the training of cadres to strengthen the organization Keywords:Private enterprise; brain drain; Countermeasures 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 3500 1 绪论 4 5810 1.1研究背景 4 20206 1.2研究意义 5 18950 1.3研究内容 5 21574 2昭通市威信县民营企业人才流失现状 6 19995 2.1人才流失率过高 6 13646 2.2流失人员中较大比例是高管和技术人员 6 26192 3昭通市威信县民营企业人才流失原因分析 6 12646 3.1工作设计缺陷 6 16383 3.2市场快速发展凸显“物以稀为贵” 6 26135 3.3组织结构缺陷形成“骨质疏松” 7 22996 3.4企业文化“空气稀薄”造成凝聚力下降 7 31098 4昭通市威信县民


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