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天天文档在线 联系qq:744421982 Brief Guide for Quality Management in Developing Countries Supporting Notes for the lecture presented by Dr T. Amirsoleymani At the Annual Conference of Federation of Consultants from Islamic Countries Algiers, October 20, 2001 Mandro Company 41, Padidar Street, Jahan Koudak Africa Blvd, Tehran, Iran. Tel: (009821) 8888847, Fax: (009821) 8888998 mandro@ Contents Page 1. Preface 3 2. Introduction 4 3. The necessity to adopt Q.M. 10 4. The development of the Q.M. System 12 5. Sustaining the Q.M. process 15 6. Appendix 1 Quality Management process 18 7. Appendix 2 Selected Reading 25 8 End 26 Preface During the recent years International Federation of Consulting Engineers ( FIDIC ) has pursued its mandate in the production of various documents, contract forms, guides and manuals to assist Consulting Engineers worldwide to perform and deliver services to their clients. These publications have facilitated the business practice of Consulting Engineers to establish standards or norms, which are used by a large and increasing number of Consulting Engineers and their clients. The first edition of the Guide to Quality Management was issued in 1994 and was prepared by a committee chaired by R.W. Bowes. Significant contribution to the production of the first edition of that guide was made by Tom Kern of the American Consulting Engineers Council. The latest edition of the FIDIC’s Quality Management Guide was prepared by the Committee under the chairmanship of Tonny Jensen from Denmark. Significant contributions were made by David Shepherd from Australia, Frank Leblanc and Ben Novak both from Canada. The Brief Guide for Quality Management in Developing Countries is the extract from the FIDIC Quality Management. As most of the members of the Total Quality Management Committees were from developed countries, the very sensitive and intricate relationships between the clients and the consulting engineering firms in the developing countries we


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