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下面我们谈谈英文海报的写法: 海报(poster)多是宣传广告。英文海报的内容常为球讯、影讯等。登出海报的日期常写在最 后一行,顶格写。一般的英文海报的格式如下:(请注意这篇英文海报范文的左右对齐或者 居中的格式) 1) 格式: 第一:在第一行的正中间写“POSTER ” 第二:在第二行“POSTER ”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容。 Eg: An Exciting Football Match 第三:在第三行空 3 个字母格写上“Good news for you ”。也可不写。 第四:接着在第四行空 3 个字母格写正文,为一段。 第五:在正文的右下角上下并列写:发布单位 星期,月日,年 2 ) 时态:用一般将来时和一般现在时 3 ) 要求:把活动的内容、时间、地点、参加规定及主办单位交代清楚即可 4 ) 正文的写法: 第一:第一句话用将来时交代活动的内容和时间 Eg: (1) We`ll have a show\football match on July 16th (2)There is a piece of news we`ll hold a…+地点+时间 (3) … is holding +活动+地点+时间 (4)We hope raise money to help the poor children ※时间也可附带在活动的后面:The time is from…to … 第二:接着交代活动的地点及其他内容 Eg: It will be held +地点 第三:介绍活动的特点,尽量叙述积极向上的和有益的一面 Eg: (1) The match will be wonderful (2) All the clothes are low in price but high quality 第四: 接着介绍一些锁个文字材料的其他信息。如具体的方法及注意事项和要求。 Eg: (1) you can buy ticket in…,and the price is 2 yuan for each (2) By then, some new clothes are even 50 ℅ off, If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time, you can get a present . (3)Call Lily ator email… 第五:用一些鼓励性语言激发读者的兴趣 Eg: (1) Please come and cheer for them (2) I hope you don`t miss it (3) Don`t miss it (4) All are warmly welcome (5) Everyone is welcome (6)Catch the chance,or you will regret (7) Sigh up and have a good time (8) Hurry up to… POSTER Friendly Basketball Match All Are Welcome Orgnised by the Students' Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between No.3 Middle School team and ours on the basketball court on Saturday, June 5, 1993 at 4 p.m. The School Students' Union Tuesday, June 1. 下面是一篇英语电影海报的模板范文: This Week's Film Name: Modern Time #片名要斜体 Time: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 10 Place: The metting hall Fare: One yuan Ticket office: The school gate house The School Students' Union 转自[英美者]-英语专业网站: /cn/Html/Listening_Speaking/English_Writing/1430704.html 在如今这个商业时代,各路商家都得各出奇招来促进商品销售,销售的海报也是很重要的一 环,有吸引力的海报会引来更多消费


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