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西安欧亚学院本科毕业论文(设计) PAGE 14 摘 要 分析债务期限结构的影响因素对企业的发展有很深远的意义。鉴于我国期限研究只是处于初步阶段。研究债务期限结构影响因素从一定程度上有利于找出当前经济发展中存在的弊端和各类问题,从而进行改进,促进经济更好更快的发展。 本文以2012年中国沪深两市上市为样本,并且综合国内外学者对债务期限结构的研究,把企业的债务期限结构的影响因素进行比较,为企业经营者制定经营计划和融资状况研究。从企业债务选择分析目的的信息,认识企业债务期限结构本质,发现其问题。降低债务融资成本,揭示债务期限结构与因素的关系。有针对性地提出对该公司存在问题的对策建议,分析归纳了债务期限结构的可能影响因素,以期对我国企业今后的发展提供一些借鉴。 关键词:债务期限结构;影响因素;上市公司 Abstract For an enterprise, debt maturity structure can reflect its value deeply. Analysising the effect factors of debt maturity structure has a significant meaning to the development of enterprises. According to the maturity research is just at the initial stage in our country. Studying the debt maturity structure effect factors from a certain extent is easier to find out the short end and all kinds of problems during current economic development, thus to improve and promote a better and a faster economic growth. This article is based on Shanghai and Shenzhen those two cities listed in 2012 as sample, and integrated the study of debt maturity structure from domestic and foreign scholars ,compared the effect factors of the enterprise's debt maturity structure, for the business operators to make business plans and financing condition researches. From the Information of enterprise debts choice analysis purpose, to know the essence of enterpirse debt maturity structure, found out the problem. Reduced the cost of debt financing, and recover the relationship between debt maturity structure and the factors. Put forward suggestions on existing problems of the company, analyzed and concluded the possible effect factors of debt maturity structure, in order to provide some reference for the development of our country's enterprise in the future. Key words: Debt Manurity Structure; effect factor; listed company PAGE 13 STYLEREF "标题 1" 摘 要 硕士研究生学位论文 西安欧亚学院本科毕业论文(设计) 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 29044 摘 要 I 18226 目 录 I 9865 第一章 绪论 2 4608 1.1 研究的背景和意义 2 290


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