基础免疫学基础免疫学1CD4 T-cell help amplifies innate signals for primary CD8 T-cell immunity.pdf

基础免疫学基础免疫学1CD4 T-cell help amplifies innate signals for primary CD8 T-cell immunity.pdf

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+ Sammy Bedoui CD4 T-cell help amplifies innate William R. Heath + Scott N. Mueller signals for primary CD8 T-cell immunity Authors’ addresses Summary: CD8+ T cells provide an important component of protection Sammy Bedoui1, William R. Heath1,2, Scott N. Mueller1,2 against intracellular infections and cancer. Immune responses by these 1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The T cells involve a primary phase of effector expansion and differentia- University of Melbourne, Peter Doherty Institute for tion, followed by a contraction phase leading to memory formation Infection and Immunity, Parkville, Vic., Australia. and, if antigen is re-encountered, a secondary expansion phase with 2The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in more rapid differentiation. Both primary and secondary phases of + + Advanced Molecular Imaging, The University of CD8 T-cell immunity have been shown to depend on CD4 T-cell Melbourne, Parkville, Vic., Australia. help, although during certain infections the primary phase is variable in this requirement. One explanation for such variability relates to the Correspondence to: strength of associa


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