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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 2人英语情景对话   当你与朋友深处英语国家,两个人的日常对话是改用英语交流还是母语呢?下面就由小编为大家带来两人英语对话,希望大家能有所收获。   两人英语对话:family  A:Look! Its your father!   B: Where?   A:Why you so scan? your face is not nice   B:you may not know my dad he is very strict!   A:So what?my mum also.   B:Did your mather say that you cant play with bad one?   A:No ,who can say that!   B:But my dad said that I can not play with you any more   A:   B:But it doesnt matter.Because now I still with you to stand together   A:sonobody in your family support you?   B:My grandma stands my side.   A:See! There is someone who like me   B: No she said that in fact I must be with you to encourage someone like you to live in the world   A:Nice! you would go back to your whole family I dead   (Jenny and Tony are at the train station)   Tony: We want to take a train to New York.   Ticket agent (A): Regular or express train?   Tony: How much time would we save if we took  the express?   A: About one hour. The next express train arrives in New York at 3:15.   Tony: And how much more do we have to pay for the express?   A: First class is 24 dollars more, and second class is 15 dollars more.   Tony (to Jenny): What do you think?   Jenny: As long as we can arrive one hour earlier, I dont mind paying a little extra.   Tony: OK. (to A) Then give me two second-class tickets on the express, please.   (Tony and Jenny arrive in New York)   Jenny: Oh! At last we are in the Big Apple! Now we have to take a subway to get to the Village. Dont we need to buy a subway map?   Tony: Yes, but I think we can get it free at the subway station, at the token booth.   (At the subway station)   Tony: Can I have ten tokens? And also can I get a free subway map?   Ticket booth employee : Sure. Heres a pack of ten tokens, twelve-fifty, and this is your subway map. Tony: Thank you.   Jenny: We are going to the East Village. Which train should we take?   B: Take the No. 8 train and get off at Astor Pla


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