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职业的年度总结3篇 时间犹如间隙中的沙一瞬间便消失无踪,很快就到年底了,回望过去一年的工作,收获的不仅岁月,还有成长,立即行动起来写一份年终总结吧。但是年终总结你学会怎么写了吗?下面是关于职业的年度总结3篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 Based on current technology trends, here are 10 high-paying digital careers where the demand in the next decade will outstrip the supply of people with the necessary skills and training: 基于目前科技发展的趋势,在未来十年,如下10个高收入技术类职业,对具备必要技能以及培训的人才需求很大。 3D打印 Using open source design and 3D printing it is now possible to bring manufacturing to the desktop. The demand for craftsmen skilled in 3D Printing in the 20xxs is going to be huge as on-shoring leads to the return of manufacturing to wealthy countries. 开源设计和3D打印技术的运用让人们在桌子上就能制造东西。到21世纪20年代,在岸外包模式的流行使得生产回归发达国家,对能够操作3D打印技术的技师将有大量需求。 物联网 The Inter of Things is the interconnection via the Inter of puting devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. This includes everything from smartphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. 所谓物联网,是指通过在各种生活物品中植入计算设备构成计算网络,从而实现物与物的相互连接。这些生活物品无所不包,智能手机、咖啡机、洗衣机、耳机、台灯、可穿戴设备,还有其他任何你能想到的东西。 用户体验设计 User Experience Design (often referred to as UX or Interaction Design) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, aessibility , and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product. 用户体验设计(通常被称为UX或交互设计)是指通过增强用户使用产品时产品具有的可用性,可及程度和用户的愉悦感受,来提升用户对产品的满意程度的过程。 数字营销 With attention spans declining and information overload making advertising more challenging, digital marketing demands story ___ers and content creators that also have technical skills like analytical ability and strategic business thinking. 在当今信息超载,注意广度缩减的时代,广告业面临更多的挑战。数字营销需要会讲故事,会创造内涵,同时又具备数字分析、战略商务思维等技术才能的人才。 应用开发 With the average American now spending 3-4 hours a day on their smartphones, there is a huge demand for


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