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PAGE PAGE 17 PAGE PAGE 17 Abstract This thesis plans to re-read A Farewell to Arms from the eco-feminist perspective, so as to excavate the implied ideas of eco-feminism. This study aims to display that Hemingway reveals the destructive effects of war to nature in the novel, showing enormous concern for the state of human existence, with an attempt to arouse people’s ecological consciousness. At the same time, Hemingway pays much attention to gender ecology. Hemingway expresses a great deal of concern for female world, conveys his deep sympathy for women’s living conditions and fate, and gives a high praise to women’s rebellious spirit and other intrinsic virtues, and recognizes women’s irreplaceable importance and status in men’s life. In A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway exhibits his quest for a harmonious relationship between man and nature, male and female, and even all countries in the world, and voices his ardent yearning for a peaceful society full of harmony, vigor and vitality. To be brief, Hemingway holds a profound meditation on the relationship between man and nature, male and female, and even all countries in the world, which coincides with the ultimate aim of eco-feminism. Hemingway’s expression of eco-feminist views in A Farewell to Arms has a profound practical significance for the construction of a harmonious society. Key words:eco-feminism; nature; man 摘 要 本文从生态女性主义这个崭新而独特的视角重新读解《永别了,武器》,剖析这部小说中所隐含的生态女性主义思想。海明威在该作品中,揭示了战争对大自然的破坏与摧残,表现出了对人类生存状态的高度关注,试图激发人们维护自然的生态意识。海明威对生态环境关注的同时,对性别生态予以独到的关怀,对女性的生存处境和女性命运表现出深切的忧虑与同情,对女性的反抗精神及她们特有的内在美给予高度赞扬,对女性在男性世界中不可取代的作用及地位予以肯定。海明威在《永别了,武器》中呐喊告别战争,告别人与自然、男人与女人、甚至国家间的对立与争战,深情地呼唤平和与和谐社会的到来。简而言之,海明威对人与自然、男人与女人、乃至国家间关系的探寻与思考,与生态女性主义倡导的理念相契合。海明威对生态女性主义的表达对构建和谐社会有着深刻的现实意义。 关键词:生态女性主义;自然;人 Abstract 摘 要 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 2741 I. Introduction 1 29904 II. Overview of eco feminism 3 22731 A. The main content of the eco feminism 3 21538 B. The main implication of the eco feminism 5 441 Ⅲ. Ecosystem cons


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