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内容摘要 文章首先概述了我国的货币政策,其次再通过对美国货币政策的论述,与我国的货币政策进行了比较。在比较研究的过程中,找出我国与美国货币政策的区别,以及我国货币政策的不足,并结合国内国际的形势,提出我国在货币政策方面的改革目标及发展方向。 实施稳健的货币政策可以保持一个国家的经济平稳较快的发展,而且,在经济全球化,国与国之间的交流不断加深、内外部流动性充裕的同时,通胀压力也越来越大,着也需要货币政策使之适当收紧流动性,控制物价过快增长,为经济经济结构调整和发展方式转变、提高资源配置效率提供平稳的货币环境。 本文通过对中国货币政策与美国货币政策的各个方面比较区别和分析,并得出了两国货币政策虽然存在很多差异,但是都实现了首要目标的结论。 关键词:中国货币政策;美国货币政策;区别 ;目标 Abstract The article show us about the monetary policy of China at the beginning,then has a presentation on American monetary policy,comparing with China's. the study finds out the differences between China's and America's monetary policy,the shortage of our monetary policy. And put forward the aim of reformation and the development direction on our monetary policy by analyzing the present situation which is involved in our country and the whole world. It can keep the monetary policy of a country developing steadily and quickly to have a stable monetary policy, meanwhile the inflation pressure becomes stronger and stronger because of the deeper relationship among countries with economic globalization. So we need to use the monetary policy to make the flow ability of economy tight, and control the over quick inflation in price to adjust the structure of economy, the change of development ways. It can also increase the efficiency in the allocation of resource for having a steady economy environment. The article tells that the two countries have achieved their first aim, though there are some differences between the monetary policy of them, which are showed by comparing. Key words: China’s monetary policy; American monetary policy; difference; objective 目 录 TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 一、中国货币政策概论 1 (一)近几年来中国货币政策的分析 1 (二)目前我国的金融运行的背景 2 (三)当前我国货币政策的操作措施 3 二、美国货币政策概述 7 三、中美货币政策的比较 7 (一)美国再贴现政策与我国常备借贷便利政策 7 (二)中美两国创新货币政策工具 9 (三)中美货币政策工具的类型 10 (四)中美货币政策工具针对的对象 10 (五)中美货币政策的实施力度 11 (六)中美货币政策风险的比较 11 结语 13 中国货币政策与美国的区别 一、中国货币政策概论 自金融危机爆发的近几年起,我国都在实行文件的货币政策而且这种政策的实施是具有一定效果的,国家央行在对货币政策进行制度和执行时也在不断地走向成熟,对国家经济进行宏观调控的能



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