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PHC管桩施工及质量问题分析和处理 叶协听(福州大学工程技术学院05土木工程 350001) Construction and Quality Control of Prestressed Spun High Strength Concrete Pile Ye Xieting [摘 要] 本文首先综述现有几种基础的分类及优缺点,并对PHC管桩目前的应用情况做了分析,并以连江宝龙地产开发的冠海城为例,介绍了该项目的商业前景、工程概况、地质情况,桩基础设计的基本步骤。本文重点论述预应力高强砼管桩的施工工艺与方法,包括了施工前的准备、施工过程要注意的问题、质量控制要求、以及保证预应力管桩施工质量的措施、并就施工后对PHC管桩的检查验收做了介绍。同时本文还讨论以及在冠海程工地施工中遇到的若干问题的分析方法和处理方案。如对管桩设计长度达不到进行分析并提出相应的措施,施工时对周边建筑影响的分析和采取减少影响的措施,最后总结PHC管桩应用时应注意的几个问题和工程实践中的实际合理做法。 [关键词] 基础类型,桩基础设计 静压法施工,事故分析处理,减少挤压 Abstract: This article first summarizes the existing several kind of foundations the classification and the good and bad points, and has made theanalysis to the PHC pie at present application situation, and take Lianjiang Baolong real estate development GuanHaicheng as theexample, introduced this project commercial prospect, the projectsurvey, the geological situation, pie foundation design basic step. Thisarticle key elaboration pre-stressed excels in cocren pie theconstruction craft and the method, including the question,the qualitycontrol request which the construction before preparation, theconstruction process had to pay attention, as well as the guaranteepre-stresse Pie construction quality measure, and has made theintroduction after the construction to the PHC pie inspectionapproval. Simultaneously this article also discusses as well ascertain questions analysis methods and the processing plan which meetsin the Guan HaiCheng work site construction. If to pie the designlength could not achieve carries on analyzes and proposedcorresponding measure, when construction and adopts the reducedinfluence to the peripheral construction influence analysis themeasure, finally summarizes when the PHC pie application should payattention in several questions and project practice reality reasonableprocedures. Keyword: Foundations Prestressed Spun High Strength Concrete Pile Construction Quality Control 第一章:前 言 大树伤根即枯,无根即倒。基础是建筑物的根基,基础的稳定,关乎整个建筑的安全。基础的工程量、造价和施工工期,在整个建筑工程中占相当大的比重,而且基础是地下隐蔽工程,工程竣工验收时埋在地下,无法检验,


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