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Common name: Only a few ketons have common names, such as acetone (like aldehyde). Common names are also used for phenyl-substituted ketones. They are called phenones. (+ one) IUPAC name: Ketones are named in the IUPAC system by removing the “e” from the alkane name and adding “-one”. (alkanone) Derived name: Like ethers, R-CO-R’ can be named by citing the names of the two alkyl substituents (in alphabetical order) followed by the word “ketone”. (alkylalkyl ketone) Nomenclature of ketones * Common name IUPAC name Derived name * Nomenclature of carboxylic acids and its derivatives X= OH, a carboxylic acid X= halogen, an acyl halide X= OR', an ester X= OCOR', an acid anhydride X= NRR', an amide * Nomenclature of carboxylic acids a carboxyl group The functional group of a carboxylic acid is called a carboxyl group. Long-chain carboxylic acids are called “fatty acids”. * Common name: Carboxylic acids (<6) are frequently called by their common names. They are named by adding “Latin prefix” before “acid”. ? what is α–carbon? IUPAC name: a carboxylic acid is named by replaceing the “e” ending of the alkane name with “–oic acid”. (alkanoic acid) Carboxylic acids in which a carboxyl group is attached to a cyclic compound can be named by adding “carboxylic acid” to the name of the cyclic compound. * benzoic acid * Nomenclature of acyl halides Acyl halides are named by using the acid name and replacing the “ –ic acid” with “ –yl halide” (alkanoyl halide) , or by replacing “ carboxylic acid ” with “ carbonyl halide ” (cycloalkanecarbonyl halide) * benzoyl chloride * Nomenclature of acid anhydrides ? Do you know the meaning of “anhydride” R = R’, a symmetrical anhydride R ≠ R’, a mixed anhydride * Symmetr


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