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PAGE PAGE 14 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \u 摘要: 2 Abstract: 3 一、鸡大肠杆菌病的概述 4 (一)什么是鸡大肠杆菌病 4 1.致病菌 4 2.流行病学特征 4 3.临床症状 5 4.病理变化 5 二、大肠杆菌病防治中的误区 7 (一)药物滥用 7 (二)对疾病认识不清 7 (三)对疾病鉴别不清 7 三、 鸡大肠杆菌病的防控措施 8 (一) 预防 8 1.搞好环境卫生,严格消毒8 2.加强饲养管理,减少应激8 3.加强营养,提高抗病力8 4.预防投药8 5.进行免疫8 (二) 治疗方法9 小结 11 参考文献 13 致谢 15 规模化鸡场大肠杆菌病的防控研究 摘 要 随着我国经济的快速发展,畜牧业也逐渐成为人们发展致富的经济手段;鸡在日常生活中需求量大,市场前景广阔,所以养鸡场越来越多,越来规模越大。随着养鸡种类,数量的不断增大,为了保证鸡的质量以及提高经济效益,鸡场也面临着许多鸡的安全问题,其中以大肠杆菌病最为困扰。大肠杆菌是一种条件致病菌,它普遍存在于自然界和动物肠道中,当存在某些诱因时即可出现大肠杆菌所参与的并发或继发感染。随着近年来集约化养鸡业的蓬勃发展,鸡的大肠杆菌病不断蔓延,从而导致大量鸡的死亡、产蛋率的下降、以及孵化率和孵化质量降低等情况,同时,鸡肉的质量也下降,鸡场的市场信誉会大打折扣,这些都给集约化养鸡生产带来了严重的经济损失。因此,大肠杆菌病的防控工作是规模化鸡场迫切需要解决的重要问题之一。本文主要通过对大肠杆菌病的致病情况及临床特征的描述来认识该传染病,分析了在鸡场在预防大肠杆菌病中的误区,进而探讨了科学合理的防控措施,这对养鸡业的迅速发展起着至关重要的作用。 关键词:规模化鸡场; 大肠杆菌病; 经济效益; 防控措施 The prevention and control of large-scale chicken colibacillosis Abstract with the rapid development of economy in our country, the animal husbandry also gradually become the development of economic means to get rich; Chicken in daily life demand is big, wide prospect of market, so the chicken farm is becoming more and more and more to the larger. With chicken species, the number of increasing, in order to guarantee the quality of chicken and improve economic efficiency, the safety of the chicken chicken is faced with many problems, of which the most colibacillosis. E. coli is a kind of conditional pathogenic bacteria, it is widespread in nature and animal intestines, e. coli can appear when there is a certain incentive to participate in the concurrent or secondary infection. With the vigorous development of the intensive poultry industry in recent years, chicken escherichia coli disease is spreading, resulting in a large number of chicken death, rate, and the quality of the hatch rate and the lower, etc., at the same time, the quality of the chicken also fell, the chicken market credibility will be compromised, all of these give intensive chic


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