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北京工业大学毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE 1 摘要 通信技术伴随信息化的到来而蓬勃发展,同时,中小型企业管理的主要方式也日渐的信息化,并且不断在中小型企业的管理理念中快速蔓延,这意味着人类社会正在步入一个崭新的时代。面对竞争激烈的市场,中小企业要想获得更宽广的发展空间,中小型企业就必须实行创新的管理模式,创建企业运营机制的信息化,管理创新是企业信息化的基础,中小企业信息化是提高企业管理水平的主要措施,是创新管理的主要途径。伴随着经济的全球化以及网络的大范围使用,信息化建设已经成为中小企业不断发展的关键要素,依靠它,企业竞争力得到很大提升,企业效益的提高离不开信息化建设的水平不断提高,只有不断提高中小型企业的信息化水平才能使企业获得长足发展。中小型企业要从市场全球化的战略出发来考虑供需链管理、业务流程重组、企业资源计划以及相关信息技术的理论与应用,从而推进建设企业信息化,同时要尽快科学地做出包括应用以上各种先进的企业管理思想和方法的决策。通过引入思想和方法,来推动企业的管理创新。 关键字:中小企业;信息化建设;管理创新 Abstract Communication technologies along with the arrival of information technology to flourish, while the main form of small and medium enterprises are increasingly managed information technology , and continues to spread quickly in the small and medium enterprise management philosophy , which means that human society is moving into a new era. Faced with fierce competition in the market , SMEs in order to get a broader space for development , small and medium enterprises must implement innovative management model, to create enterprise operation mechanism of information technology, enterprise information management innovation is the foundation of information technology for SMEs improve enterprise management level is the main measure , is the main way of innovation management. With the globalization of the economy and the use of a wide range of networks , information technology has become a key element in the development of small and medium enterprises , rely on it , greatly enhance the competitiveness of enterprises , rely heavily on information technology to improve the level of corporate efficiency continues increased only continue to improve the level of information to enable enterprises to small and medium enterprises development by leaps and bounds . SMEs from the globalization of markets starting to consider strategic supply chain management, business process reengineering, enterprise resource planning and related theory and application of information technology in order to promote the const


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