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PAGE PAGE 1 · load · v.??[l??d] ( loads;loaded;loading ) · ?? · 双解释义 · vt. & vi.?1. 把…装上车〔船〕 ??put (a load) on or in (a vehicle, structure, etc.) · vt. & vi.?2.装… ??put bullets, etc. into (a gun) or film into (a camera) · 基本要点?? load作动词可表示“把…装…”,可指把货物等装入交通工具中(如车船等),也可指把子弹装入枪中或把胶卷装入照相机中等。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,其宾语可以是装进的东西,也可以是装东西的“容器”。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。 · 词汇搭配?? ~+名词 load a camera??把(胶卷)装入照相机 load a computer??把信息输入计算机 load a film??装胶卷 load a lorry??把…装上卡车 load sb's mind??增加某人的思想负担 load the boats??装船 ~+副词 load carelessly ??草率地装 load cautiously ??小心地装 load cleverly ??机敏地装 load coolly ??冷静地装 load freely ??随意地装 load incessantly??持续不断地装 load partially??部分地装 load properly??适当地装 load quickly??迅速地装 load rapidly??迅速地装 load reasonably ??合理地装 load secretly ??秘密地装 load shortly??立即装 load slowly??慢慢地装 load unreservedly??无保留地装 load widely ??广泛地装 load down??加以重负,使负担过重 load up??装载,装满 load up with gifts??装满礼物 ~+介词 load for bear??有充分准备,准备打架 load into??装入… load into a boat ??(人)上船 load sth into the hold??把…装入船舱 load onto??把…装在…上 load sth with??给…加上,给…装上 · 常用短语?? load down(v.+adv.) 使重负,重载 give sth/sb a heavy load (of sth) ▲load sb???down She's always trying to load me down with her problems.她总想用她的那些习题把我压得喘不过气来。 ◇ 用于be ~ed结构 He seemed loaded down with the burdens of office.他似乎被公事压得喘不过气来。 The ship was loaded down with extra cargo.船上又额外加装了货物。 The poor car was completely loaded down with all my bags.这辆破汽车全被我的包装满了。 load into〔onto〕(v.+prep.) 装货于;使负担 put a load of (sth/sb) into (a place) or onto (sth that will carry it) ▲load sb/sth into〔onto〕 sth He is loading the goods into the back of the car.他正把货物装入车的后部。 We can't load any more people onto this bus.我们不能让更多的人上车了。 load up(v.+adv.) (使)载满;(使)负重;(给…)装货 fill, cover, or weigh sth/sb down with a load or heavy weight ▲load up Have you finished loading up yet?你把货物装上了吗? The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.卡车司机在库房装车。 ▲load sth???up They loaded up the lorry.他们给卡车装完货物。 Don't load the car up too much when you are going on a l


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