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中⽂摘要 魏县四股弦剧团的发展历程在⼀定程度上反映了四股弦剧种的变迁,其作为 ⺠营剧团的典型代表,在市场化进度中遇到的困难和瓶颈也具有⼀定的代表性。 因此,对魏县四股弦剧团进⾏分析研究,对其成功之处进⾏提炼总结,有助于研 究其他地⽅戏剧⺠营剧团,也能够对⾮物质⽂化遗产的传承和保护提供⼀定的借 鉴作⽤。 本⽂通过对魏县四股弦的发展、四股弦的⺠俗价值、剧团运营管理、⼈员组 织构成、资⾦运作状况、营销情况以及剧团的困境和发展等⽅⾯进⾏调查研究, 并对四股弦提出进⾏产业化开发、内部创新发展等⽅⾯的发展建议。对四股弦艺 术进⾏归纳总结、宣传,为让更多的⼈对这种艺术形式更加了解、更加全⾯的认 识,从⽽引起更多⼈对四股弦这⼀地⽅⼩剧种的保护,促进其进⼀步发展。 关键词 四股弦;⺠俗价值;⺠营剧团;运作管理 Abstract The development process of four strings troupe in Weixian county reflects the changes of this type of drama to some extent. As a typical representative of private theatrical troupes, the difficulties and bottlenecks encountered in the process of marketization are also representative. Therefore, the analysis and study on the four strings troupe in Weixian will be helpful to the study of private drama troupes in other places and the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage. In this paper, some suggestions are put forward for the development of industrialization and internal innovation, through the investigation and Research on the four strings’ development, folk value, operation management, personnel organization, capital operation status, the predicament and development of the troupe in Weixian. Summarizing and propagating the art of the four strings is to allow more people to understand this art form more comprehensively, so as to arouse more people to protect this local small drama, and promote its further development. Key words ; ; ; Four strings Folk value Private troupes Operation management ⽬录 ⽬录 ⽬录 绪论 1 第⼀节


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