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摘 要 本设计为双鸭山矿业集团岭东煤矿1.2Mt/a的新井设计,共有3层设计可采煤层,平均总厚度为8.11m,煤的工业牌号为长焰煤。设计井田的可采储量为98.57Mt。服务年限为58.67a。划分两个水平开采,一、二水平 本设计矿井的开拓方式采用双立井开拓,集中大巷及采区石门的大巷布置方式。共划分10个采区,投产工作面1个。本设计采区为一采区,大巷装车式下部车场,综合机械化采煤,采用分区式通风。工作面年工作日为330天,采用“四、六”工作制,工作面长为200m,循环进度为 提升设备为副井采用罐笼提升,主井采用箕斗提升。 关键词:走向长壁 可采储量 采煤工艺 全套图纸,加153893706 Abstract The task of this design is to construct 1.2million tons new shaft for shuangyashan lingdong Mine.This mine has three minable Coal Seam, and its average thickness is 8.11meters, types of coal seam is longfire coal. Designed field of minable capacity is98.57 million tons. It can adapt for58.67 years, and is divide the line two levels mine, a level climbs mountain to mine, even top and bottom mountain in Erh-shui mine. This mine shaft is applied to double indined shaft development method; Layout of gathing gallergand mining district eross heading; This level is divided into 10 mining districts and 1 worked faces. This design adopts the area for adopt the area a, the big lane packs the car type lower part car field, the adoption is separately the area type well ventilated, comprehensive the mechanization adopts the coal. ords 330 days every year. Adapt “four-six” work situation, work face is 200 meters length of circle is 0.6 meters. The equipments to adopt the jidou to promote for the main well, the adoption a cage of vice- well promote. key words:Recoverable reserves Trend grows arm The technology of coal mining 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘 要 I Abstract II 绪 论 1 第1章 井田概况及地质特征 2 1.1 井田概况 2 1.1.1交通位置 2 1.1.2地形地势 2 1.1.3河流 3 1.1.4气象 3 1.1.5煤田开发史及近况 3 1.1.6水电供给情况 3 1.2 地质特征 3 1.2.1矿区范围内的地质情况 3 1.2.2井田范围内和附近的主要地质构造 4 1.2.3煤层赋存状况及可采煤层特征 4 1.2.4岩石性质、特征 5 1.2.5井田内水文地质情况 5 1.2.6沼气、煤尘及煤的自燃性 6 1.2.7 煤质、牌号及用途 6 1.3 勘探程度及可靠性 7 第2章 井田境界、储量、服务年限 8 2.1 井田境界 8 2.1.1井田周边状况 8 2.1.2井田境界确定的依据 8 2.2 井田储量 8 2.2.1井田储量计算 8 2.2.2保安煤柱的设计方法 9 2.2.3储量计算方法 9 2.2.4储量计算评价 10 2.3矿井工作制度、生产能


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