外研社英语必修一《Module 6 Senior High School OF WFD Fisher Fu》课件.pptx

外研社英语必修一《Module 6 Senior High School OF WFD Fisher Fu》课件.pptx

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Senior High School OF WFD Fisher Fu;Let’s play a game!;;;;;;T;S;Kugou music app;;;;;;Review the words;1. 包含;包括vt. ______ 2. 密码;口令n. _____ 3. 接近;通路n._____ 4. (计算机)崩溃vi. ____________ 5.软件n. _____________ 6. 记录;登录vt. _________ 7.可进入的;可使用的adj. __________ 8. 故障n.____________ 9. 来源;出处n.__________;10.保护;防卫n.____________ 11.创造;发明vt.___________ 12. (复)数据n.____________ 13.途径;经由prep.__________ 14.网络n._____________ 15.军事的;军队的adj.____________ 16.许可n._____________ 17.设计vt._______________ 18.文件n._____________ ;Write down the words according to their definitions. 1. the place something comes from or starts at, or the cause of something ______________ 2. to make or draw plans for something, for example clothes or buildings ______________ 3. relating to or belonging to the armed forces _____________ 4. a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type _________ 5. easy to obtain or use _____________ ; Write down the words according to their definitions. 6. protection or support against attack, criticism or infection _____________ 7. through; using _____________ 8. information in a form that can be stored and used _____________ 9. to make something new, especially to invent something _____________ 10. if someone is given permission to do something, they are allowed to do it _____________ ; Listen and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False(F); Listen and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False(F); There are millions of pages of information on the Internet. 2. The US army were the first people who used an Internet system. 3. Universities started using the Internet at the same time as the army. 4. The percentage of websites in English is getting smaller.;5. Tim Berners-Lee made it possible for scientists to use the Internet. 6. He has made a lot of money from his invention. 7. The World Wide Web is a computer network. 8. At the moment a



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