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PAGE PAGE 1 · house · v.??[ha?s] ( houses;housed; housing ) · ?? · 双解释义 · vt.?1.给…提供住房 ??provide with a place to live · vt.?2.收藏 ??provide space for sth · 基本要点?? 1.house用作名词时的意思是“房子”,转化为动词意思是“给…提供住房”,这种提供大多是免费的或义务的。house还有“收藏”的意思,指将某物放在一个固定的地方。 2.house在句中多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 · 词汇搭配?? ~+名词 house one friend??为一个朋友提供住房 house the poor??给穷人提供住处 house the refugee??为难民提供住房 house the cows??圈牛 house the horses??圈马 house books??收藏书 house documents??收藏文件 house pictures??收藏画 house watches??收藏手表 ?? ~+副词 house abundantly??住房宽敞 house aristocratically??居住华丽 house austerely??简朴地居住 house disreputably??杂乱地居住 house economically??便宜地居住 house faithfully??适用地居住 house hospitably??招待周到地提供住房 house luxuriously??居住华丽 house practically??实惠地提供住房 house safely??安全地居住 house warmly??热心地提供住处 house together??住在一起 house up??呆在家里 ?? ~+介词 house for??为…提供住房 house in??把…放在… · 常用短语?? house in(v.+prep.) 把(某物)放在…; 让(某人)居住在… put sth in or on sth; make sb live in some place ▲house sb/sth in sth? After work they housed farm tools in a shed.下班后,他们把农具存放在一间小屋里。 The mill houses its entire staff in apartment buildings.工厂让全体职工住在公寓大楼里。 ◇ 用于be ~ed结构 All the books were housed in the library.所有的书都收藏在这个图书馆里。 The library is housed in a fine building.图书馆设在一座漂亮的大楼里。 Each fountain pen is housed in an elegant casing.每支自来水笔装在一只精美的盒子里。 The vintage car was housed in a garage.那辆老式的汽车停放在车房里。 The radar transreceiver is housed in a room adjacent to the display consoles.雷达发射接收机安置在显示器控制台附近的一间屋内。 house up(v.+adv.) 呆在屋里 make sb stay at house ▲house sb???up ◇ 用于be ~ed结构 I have been housed up for a week with a bad cold.我因为重感冒在屋里呆了一周。 · 句型例句?? 用作及物动词 ▲S+~+n./pron. He tried to feed and house his family.他设法为一家人解决吃和住的问题。 Many villagers volunteered to house the flood victims.许多村民自愿为水灾难民提供住处。 Each apartment could house a family of six.每套房能住下一个六口之家。 New flats were built to house the oil workers' families.新的公寓已建好,是供石油工人的家属居住的。 Such a small cottage will never house us all.这么一间小屋绝对住不下我们大伙。 He uses the house to house the cows.他用这房子



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