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英语必修四第五单元知识点 【篇一:英语必修四第五单元知识点】 英语必修四第五单元重点单词知识点 1. various adj. 不同的;各种各 样的 there are various colors to choose from. 这里有各种各样的颜色可供选择。 there are various ways to solve the problem. 解决这个问题有许多种方法。 [知识拓展 ] vary vi. vt. ( 使)变化, 改变,不同 variety n. 变化;种类 old people don t like to vary their habits. 老年人不喜欢改变他们的习惯。 this pile of apples vary in size. 这堆苹果大小不一。 everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of/varieties of reasons. 参加聚会的人因种种原因而迟到了。 whichever pron. 无论哪一个, 任何一个 it has been the same result whichever way you do it. 不管你怎么做,结果都一样。 take whichever you want. 你想拿哪一个,就拿哪一个。 辨析:whatever/whichever whichever 无论哪一个,任何一个,有限定范围 whatever 无论什么,无限定范围 whatever you do, i will be in favor of you. 无论你做什么,我都会支持你。 whichever of them are you going to help? 你究竟要帮助他们当中的哪一个 ? attraction n. 吸引(力);具有吸引力 的人/事物 the idea of traveling to the moon has little attraction for me. 到月球旅行的想法对我没有很大的吸引力。 venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world. 威尼斯是世界上令人向往的旅游胜地之一。 [知识拓展 ] attract vt. 吸引, 引起 的注意 attractive adj. 有吸引力的 ;有魅力的 his new book is attracting a lot of attention. 他的新书引起广泛的关注。 bright colors are attractive to children. 鲜艳的颜色对儿童有吸引力。 preserve (1)vt. 保存, 保留;保护; 维持 preservation n. 保护;维护 we must preserve our natural resources. 我们必须保护自然资源。 you should preserve these materials for revision. 你应该把这些材料保存起来以备复习之用。 it is the duty of the police to preserve public order. 维护公共秩序是警察的职责。 (2) n. 禁猎地 ;保护区 no hunting is allowed in the preserve. 在这个保护区内不许打猎。 advance (1) vi. 前进;取得进展 she advanced greatly in her knowledge. 她在学识上大有长进。 our soldiers advanced bravely towards the enemy. 我们的战士勇敢地朝着敌人挺进。 (2)vt. 提出;提前;推进,促进 he advanced many reasonable proposals. 他提出了许多合理化建议。 the date of the meeting has been advanced from friday to monday. 会议日期已经从星期五提前到星期一。 it s necessary to attend this training to advance your career. 参加这个培训对促进你事业的发展是很有必要的。 (3)n. 前进;进步;进展 we are proud of the recent advances in medical science. 我们对最近在医学科学方面取得的进步感到骄傲。 [知识拓展 ] (1)advanced adj. 高级的,先进的 ;高等的 ;年迈的 china has become one of the most advanced co


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