新概念第二册 Lesson47课件教学教材.ppt

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Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost ? Corpse( 僵尸 ) character: Most of them are very ugly and cruel , they often appear at night , and afraid of light . Hades (阎王) is the one in charge of them. The appearance of Western ghost the soul or spirit (the part of a person that is believed to live on after the body dies) Like a mess of smoke (no human characteristic) vampire (吸血鬼) ? The appearance of vampire is very like the man , but most of them have a pair of long teeth . ? They food on blood of animals or people . They can maintain young forever. Most of them are of high intelligence. There are some ghosts pretty or interesting in Western . They never injury people ,some of them are beautiful and nice. Discussions If you wanted to buy a house, what kinds of things would make you decide not to buy it? Do you believe in ghosts? Why/Why not? Have you ever had a strange experience you could not explain? Tell us about it. ? thirsty ? ghost ? haunt ? block ? furniture ? whisky ? suggest ? shake ? accept adj. 贪杯的 n. 鬼魂 v. (鬼)来访,闹鬼 v. 堵 n. 家具 n. 威士忌酒 v. 暗示 v. 摇动 v. 接受 ★ thirsty ? 1) adj. 渴的 ? I am thirsty. ? I am thirsty to death. ? 2) adj. 贪杯的;贪婪的 ? A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 ? be thirsty for = be hungry for ? 渴望得到 ( 如饥似渴 ) ? I am thirsty for the book. ★ ghost n. 鬼魂 ? 强调魂 , 并不是邪恶的象征 ? 很少有人相信有鬼。 ? Very few people believe in ghost. ? Ghost story ? 鬼故事 , 怪谈 ★ Haunt ? 1)v.( 指鬼魂 ) 常出没于 ( 某处 ) ? The castle is said to be haunted. ? 2) 经常到 ( 某处 ), 常去 … ? I hear you haunt that bar. ? ? Haunted adj. 鬼魂出没的 ? a haunted house ? ? Haunting adj 萦绕心中的 . ? A haunting melody ? 萦绕心中的曲调 ★ block ? 1)n.( 木 , 石等的 ) 块 ? 一块石头 a block of rock ? 2) n. 街区 ( 美 ) ? 再过两街区就是邮局了。 ? The post office is two blocks away. ? 3) n. 阻碍物 , 障碍物 , 通常用单数 ? 阻碍管道的污物 ? a block in the pipe ? 5)v 阻碍 , 堵塞 ? 在镇中心一起事故阻塞了交通。 ? The accident blocked traffic in the town center. ? 一场大雪阻断了去往北京的所有道路。 ? Heavy snow is blocking all roads to Be


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