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I KST1002换挡拨叉的加工工艺及铣10C11左端面夹具设计 摘要 论述KST1002换挡拨叉的加工工艺及铣10C11左端面夹具设计,研究零件机械加工工艺规程的设计问题,介绍工艺规程的组成、制定路线等。说明零件的机械加工工艺结构性,结合生产主要从零件分析、毛坯的选择、工艺路线的拟定、工序内容的确定等几个方面详细的讲述了换挡拨叉零件工艺过程设计以及工艺编制中应注意的问题,以及如何才能达到最理想的表面质量和经济效益。 针对设计给定的题目,设计铣10C11左端面专用铣床夹具。夹具设计包括:设计出对零件进行定位,夹紧,还有引导的各个元件。在这里尤其要注意的是,夹具在定位零部件的时候,会产生误差,这个误差要在的合理控制范围以内,要充分了解夹具的优缺点,以便改进。 关键词:KST1002、换挡拨叉、加工工艺、10C11左端面、铣床夹具 Abstract The processing technology of KST1002 shifting fork and the design of the clamp for milling 10C11 left end face are discussed. The design problems of the machining process regulations for parts are studied. The composition of the process regulations and the formulation of the route are introduced. This paper illustrates the technological structure of the mechanical processing of the parts. Combining with the production, this paper describes in detail the technological process design of the shifting fork parts and the problems that should be paid attention to in the technological process design and the technological preparation, and how to achieve the most ideal surface from the aspects of the parts analysis, the selection of the blank, the drafting of the technological route and the determination of the working procedure contents. Quality and economic benefits. In view of the design of a given topic, design milling 10C11 left end milling machine fixture. Fixture design includes: positioning, clamping, and guiding components. In particular, it should be noted that the fixture in the positioning of parts, there will be errors, this error should be within a reasonable control range, to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of the fixture, in order to improve. Key words: KST1002, shift fork, processing technology, 10C11 left end face, milling fixture II 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 15978 摘要 I 10536 Abstract II 29660 1 引言 1 26403 2 零件分析及毛坯的选择 2 30361 2.1 零件的作用 2 8714 2.2 零件分析 3 4398 2.2.1组成表面 3 12940 2.2.2技术要求 3 30848 2.2.3形位公差 3 1318 2.3 毛坯的选择 4 28063 2.3.1选择毛坯的


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