COVID-19之后中国旅游重新开 放的经验.docxVIP

COVID-19之后中国旅游重新开 放的经验.docx

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Travel, Logistics & Infrastructure Practice The way back: What the world can learn from China’s travel restart after COVID-19 With China’s COVID-19 lockdown over, travel is beginning to restart there. The country’s experience as consumer confidence in travel grows can help businesses in other parts of the world navigate the next normal. by Will Enger, Steve Saxon, Peimin Suo, and Jackey Yu May 2020  ? Images By Tang Ming Tung/Getty Images China’s COVID-19 lockdown has ended, and travel is tentatively restarting. In this article, we look at how it has recovered so far, what Chinese travelers think about their future travel, and how industry players are responding to these trends. Countries and regions around the globe are gradually moving past the peak of the pandemic. We hope that China’s experience can shed light on what other countries can—and cannot—expect for their own travel recoveries. How tourism in China is restarting Mainland China’s lockdown is over; new domestic reported cases of COVID-19 are practically zero. Businesses remain cautious, but almost all offices, factories, schools, and retail outlets have reopened. So have most tourist attractions. Our recent China consumer-sentiment survey shows that confidence is coming back: more people feel safe returning to work than did just two weeks ago.1 When a lockdown ends, the first thing people want to spend money on is eating out. The second is travel.2 Our consumer survey shows that confidence in domestic travel rose by 60 percent over the past two weeks. The number of travelers for the recent May Labor Day long weekend was down 53 percent from 2019, but that represents a recovery from the April long weekend, when travel was down by 61 percent. (Exhibit 1). At present, travel is entirely domestic; international borders remain closed. China has imposed a 14-day quarantine (in homes or government facilities) for every person coming from overseas. International flights are capped at one a week per airline an


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