人教英语必修五练习:nit The nited ingdom ection Ⅰ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.docVIP

人教英语必修五练习:nit The nited ingdom ection Ⅰ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.doc

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eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 阅读理解 A I came from a small country in East Africa with a refugee(难民) background.Before the airplane landed in Melbourne, I set two goals.One was to complete my Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and the other one was to help my parents back home so that they would have a secure future. I arrived on November 12, 1994.The next day, I enrolled_in Bachelor’s Degree courses in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Victoria University of Technology.It took me five years to finish all the courses and then I continued completing my Master’s Degree in Engineering. I also spent my time in Melbourne on a volunteer activity mainly helping refugees.I also helped their young children to get rid of bad habits and focus on education.I did about 14 different types of jobs to support myself and my family.I worked as a taxi driver and during that time, I learned to be patient and also improved my communication skills and the ability to deal with hard clients.I worked as a pizza delivery man, a technician, a cleaner, a guide, and many others.Each step in my life, I tried my best to learn something new and I believe that shaped my life at the end and made me a better man. Throughout these years, I have achieved several Education Scholarships and National Awards.I love my life in Australia and I am now helping many kids in my spare time.I teach children and also elderly people from Africa.I have brought my parents to live with me here.I have my own house and a family with three beautiful kids. My advice to young people is, “Do one thing at a time and put your effort into the thing you do.You will find at the end the result will be a positive one.” 【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了作者去澳洲后的生活经历——只要全身心地投入你想做的事,就一定会有好结果。 1.Why did the author come to Melbourne? A.To make the most of his own talent. B.For further studies and his parents’ life. C.To change poor people’s future in his country. D.For improvements in his communication skills. B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“One was to complete...have a secur


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