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xx关于环保得出英语作文范文 Embrace life and green, both human and ecology. With the worsening of environment, people's environmental protection consciousness also gradually improve, realize the importance of environmental protection. About environmental protection, carried out environmental protection activities in the class. 1. The organization environmental protection, the classmates, published their own views. 2. Collect environmental advertising, everyone share the fruits of their own 3. Carry out the environmental protection in the campaign, the classmates, the students are eager went to press, environmental protection activities got positive response in our office. In April, our class took part in the chongqing bishan BiCheng Town experiment elementary school wall south river pollution situation of check group, to investigate the wall of south river pollution. Reach the wall after the south river, the oil on the water, trash, plastic bags, rotten vegetables leaf, and a series of discarded items can be seen everywhere. We decided to 12 was divided into three groups, pared to the south and three regions, the PH of the water test results came out. Three regional water PH has amounted to more than 9 degrees, with tap water PH 5 degrees or so. We also saw the river clearly has a public toilet, some pedestrians don't speak hygiene, toilet, just on the river bank when the scene, make us. After investigation, we interviewed the uncles and aunts bishan environmental protection bureau, they told us some data: our county wastewater up to more than 1000 ten thousand tons per year, among them, the sewage emissions of 6 million tons. Soon after the interview, made up of 12 people investigation team members to take measures for environmental protection. 1. Calling for rational people litter 2. Don't want to increase people's environmental protection consciousness, social morality consciousness 3. All citizens calls for energy conse


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