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- PAGE 17 - CA6140主轴的加工工艺及磨φ80H5外圆夹具设计 摘要 这篇论文写的是CA6140车床的主轴,写了它的加工工艺,还有它的工装设计,根据图纸要求进行机械工艺规程设计和工装设计,在掌握零件作用的基础上,对零件的工艺进行分析。 针对设计给定的题目,设计了一个磨床专用夹具,专门对Ф80H5外圆进行磨削加工。论文里面的知识点主要有对机床夹具进行设计、公差等。首先搞清楚这个加工的零部件,然后对它进行了分析,这样就可以在加工的时候精确度更高,将零件的标准定下来,之后在算一下每一个步骤的切削用量的大小;夹具设计包括:定位零部件,夹紧零部件,另外还有进行引导的哪些零部件。在这还要特别关注的是,在对零部件进行定位的时候,必然会有偏差出现,这个偏差一定要在规定的范围里面,这样才可以对这个夹具的好处,坏处进行了解,对它进行改善。 通过上面的设计、分析和计算,圆满的完成了本次毕业设计的所有任务,在巩固大学所学知识的同时,还为自己步入社会夯实基础。 关键词:CA6140车床、主轴、加工工艺、Ф80H5外圆、磨削 - PAGE II - ABSTRACT This paper is written on the spindle of the CA6140 lathe, and its processing technology, and its tooling design, according to the requirements of the drawings of the mechanical process design and tooling design, in the grasp of the role of parts on the basis of the parts of the process analysis. Designed for the design of a given topic, designed a grinder special fixture, specifically for Ф80H5 cylindrical grinding. The knowledge points inside the paper are mainly designed for the fixture, tolerance and so on. First of all to find out the processing of the parts, and then it was analyzed, so that when the processing can be more accurate, the parts of the standard set down, and then calculate the amount of each step in the amount of cutting; fixture design Including: positioning parts, clamping parts, in addition to what parts to guide. In this particular concern is that when positioning the parts, there must be a deviation occurs, the deviation must be within the scope of the provisions, so that the fixture can be the advantages and disadvantages of understanding, it is improve. Through the above design, analysis and calculation, the successful completion of the graduation design of all the tasks in the consolidation of the University of knowledge at the same time, but also for their own social solid foundation. Keywords: CA6140 lathe, spindle, machining process, Ф80H5 cylindrical, grinding 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 机床夹具的概述 1 1.2 机床夹具的分类 1



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