I love our school—— 三年级的英语实践活动课教学设计及反思.doc

I love our school—— 三年级的英语实践活动课教学设计及反思.doc

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第 PAGE 页码 页码页 / 总共 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数页 I love our school—— 三年级英语实践活动课教学设计及反思 s … Who are they? They’re… This’s …三、Objectives:1. To review the words of school rooms, food…2. To give chance for pupils to use the some sentence patterns.3. To encourage the pupils to say English loudly.四、Learning strategies:Improve children’s listening, speaking and initial reading activities.五、Main points: All the new words and the sentences.六、Difficult points: Take part in the classroom activities enthusiastically and be cooperative and helpful in group activities. Sight recognize the  new words and key structures.七、 Teaching proceduresI、Preparation:分组: 一、School Rooms Team1、了解我们学校有什么场室,各有几间?位置如何?(可列表统计)四人负责2、设计未来养正小学的彩色平面图(可参照课本,如,添加swimming pool , flowerbed , football playground …)两人负责3、汇报活动结果:(可以表演、游戏、小品、歌曲、儿歌等形式),选几位同学代表表演1)小品的形式对话(孙悟空来到养正小学门口好奇开始。。。自编对话汇报第一个调查内容)2)与其他小组同学玩游戏、读单词(学校的建筑物)、读介词儿歌3)展示未来养正小学的彩色平面图,作简单一两句英文的介绍。4)贴出成果展示调查表:(由同学们分工了解好,由组长统计于下表)School things \ rooms(学校专用室)How many?(数量)Floor(几楼?)Where?(具体位置)Classroom Teachers’ room Toilets Playground Canteen Library Clinics 二、Teachers Team :1、了解学校里的教师有多少?学生多少?(1人负责)2、调查三(2)班全班同学最喜欢的老师是谁?为什么?用英语一两句话表达。(全组八个人,每人调查五位同学,并作好记录,由组长列表统计)表格:MY FAVOURITE TEACHER(What’s your favourite teacher? She’s \He’s …Why? Because she’s \ he’s … )N0.NameTeacher’s NameReasons(原因)Recorder(记录者)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3、找两位组员与两位英语老师做个采访,作好记录,并录像。4、汇报活动结果:(可以表演、游戏、小品、歌曲、儿歌等形式),选两位同学表演。1)表演歌曲:I want to teacher when I grow up 2)两人表演对话:A: Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up ? love our school—— 三年级英语实践活动课教学设计及反思》 s … Who are they? They’re… This’s …三、Objectives:1. To review the words of school rooms, food…2. To give chance for pupils to use the some sentence patterns.3. To encourage the pupils to say English loudly.四、Learning strategies:Improve children’s listening, speaking and initial reading activities.五、Main points: All the new words and the sentences.六、Difficult points: Take part in the


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