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PAGE PAGE 1 180型复合管脱模装置(螺旋式)设计 目 录 摘要I AbstractII 第一章 绪论1 1.1目的和意义1 1.2发展状况1 1.3研究内容2 第二章 方案确定4 第三章 驱动装置的选择6 3.1电动机的选择6 3.2减速器的选择7 第四章 零件的设计9 4.1螺杆的设计9 4.2齿轮的设计10 4.3轴的设计12 第五章 标准件的选择14 5.1轴承的选择14 5.2联轴器的选择14 5.3键的选择15 5.4密封圈的选择16 第六章 其他部件的设计18 6.1导轨的设计18 6.2机架的设计18 6.3支撑部件的设计19 第七章 主要部件的校核21 7.1齿轮校核21 7.2轴的校核22 7.3轴承的校核23 7.4螺杆的校核24 7.5键的校核26 总结与体会27 致谢28 参考文献29 摘 要 首先介绍了15t螺旋式电工绝缘管脱模装置的工作原理,通过讲解其工作过程来表明该装置的大体布局。并比较了不同脱模装置的优缺点,从而肯定了螺旋式脱模装置的优点。 论文主要介绍了螺旋式电工绝缘管脱模装置中标准件(包括轴承、联轴器等)的选择和非标准件(包括轴、齿轮、螺杆等)的设计。在文章中详细地描述了这些零件的选择原则及设计过程,对相似零件的设计和选择具有辅助指导作用。除此之外,文章还介绍了一些零件的校核,包括齿轮、螺杆、轴承等。 在文章中,详细地阐述了支撑部件的结构和工作原理,并表明了添加支撑部件的必要性。除此之外,还介绍了机架及轨道的设计,讲述了如何增加机架的强度以及如何提高轨道的设计精度和强度。 关键词:螺杆;传;脱模;芯模 Abstract This paper first introduces the working principle of 15t spiral electrical insulation pipe mold release device, by explaining the course of their work to show that the general layout of the device. And compare the advantages and disadvantages of different mold release devices, then affirmed the advantages of spiral mold release device. The paper mainly introduces how to chose the standard parts (including the choice of bearin -gs , couplings , etc.) of the spiral electrical insulation tube mold release device, and how to design non-standard ( including shaft , gear , screw , etc.) . In this article,the writer describes the principle of selection and design process of these parts in detail , these have a secondary role in guiding the design and select- -ion of similar parts . In addition, the article also describes how to check some parts, including gears, screws, bearings , etc. This article descriptes the supporting components' structure and working principle, then shou the need to add supporting components. In addition, the artical also introduces how to design the rack and rail, and the way to improve the strength of rack and the accuracy of track. Keywords:screw drive; mold release; core module PAGE PAGE 1 第一章 绪论 1.1 目的和意义 脱模是将固化在玻璃钢中的芯模


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