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F60螺旋板新型换热器机械设计 摘 要 此次设计是F60螺旋板式新型换热器,组成部分分别是:螺旋板,螺旋通道,外壳等零件组成。螺旋板式换热器是一种新型的形式,其传热效率好,运行稳定性高,可多台共同工作。这种换热器是由两张卷制而成,形成了两个均匀的螺旋通道,两种传热介质可进行全逆流流动,大大增强了换热效果,即使两种小温差介质,也能达到理想的换热效果。 本次设计为F60螺旋板式新型换热器,设计内容有指导导师所给定的相关参数使热诚的介质,设计压力及设计温度与冷诚是的介质,设计压力及温度之间在换热面积为60,腐蚀余量为自定的条件下完成两者之间的相互转换。在体转换之下保证利用率的高度,提高效率。 设计该类型换热器时要注意以下几点:此类换热器型号的选择,螺旋板材料的选择,外壳刚度的计算,定柱距,螺旋通道以及各种所需参数的计算。因为该换热器为螺旋式,所以不容易造成通道的堵塞,因为是螺旋通道,所以不容易造成死角,杂质的存在大多都是影响通道的腐蚀程度。本次所设计的不可拆卸的换热器需要符合各种强度要求之下,降低管板的厚度。在焊接时注意检查漏点是裂缝还是砂眼同时对该漏点进行处理。 在根据相关规定与设计需求的情况下合理的完成设计并完成该设计的设计图纸,然后在结合实际需求与实际生产条件的情况下安全制作此次设计得出的F60螺旋板式新型换热器。 关键词:螺旋通道;螺旋板;刚度;密封 ABSTRACT The design is F60 spiral plate new heat exchanger, the components are: spiral plate, spiral channel, shell and other components. Spiral plate heat exchanger is a new type of heat exchanger, heat transfer efficiency, high stability, can work together more than one. This heat exchanger is made of two coils, forming two uniform spiral channel, two kinds of heat transfer medium can be countercurrent flow, greatly enhanced the heat transfer effect, even if the two small temperature difference medium, but also To achieve the desired heat transfer effect. The design of the F60 spiral plate new heat exchanger, the design content of the instructor given the relevant parameters to make the enthusiasm of the media, the design pressure and design temperature and cold is the medium, the design pressure and temperature between the heat transfer Area of ??60, the corrosion margin for the custom conditions to complete the conversion between the two. Under the physical conversion to ensure the utilization of high, improve efficiency. Design the type of heat exchanger should pay attention to the following points: the choice of such heat exchanger models, spiral plate material selection, shell stiffness calculation, fixed column spacing, spiral channel and a variety of required parameters of the calculation. Because the heat exchanger for the spiral, it is not easy to ca



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