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PAGE PAGE ii 肥皂盒注塑模设计 摘 要 近几年国家振兴机械行业,与机械相关的各个行业都越来越重视CAD/CAM技术,不仅是因为CAD/CAM技术已发展成为一项比较成熟的共性技术,同时还因为塑料制品设计与在塑料模具工业中发挥越来越重要的作用。本模具设计的课题是肥皂盒,针对肥皂盒进行了相关的工艺设计和模具设计。首先对塑件材料ABS,塑料件的尺寸精度,使用性能,表面质量,结构进行分析,初步选取注射机,本模具利用CAD软件对模具进行计算分析。重点在于注射模设计,首先分析可注塑性,对塑件表面质量不可忽视,表面不允许出现明显的接痕,和气泡伤疤,可以利用软件对注塑件可能出现的接痕和气泡进行分析。然后是可制造性,确定型腔数目,模具类型,模具主要结构,在模具主要结构设计中包括型腔布局,浇口的选择,型面设计,浇注系统设计,排气系统设计,导向机构设计,限位拉杆设计,随后可以确定模具的主要结构。然后选择模架,校准开模行程,计算推出距离,确定推出方式,设计侧抽芯机构,冷却系统,随之可以确定模具的总体结构。分析模具结构功能,其中包括型腔结构,型芯结构,型芯镶件结构,模具导向复位结构。计算成型零件工作尺寸,包括型芯尺寸,型腔尺寸。最后是模具的安装与试模,绘制模具安装结构图。 关键词:壳体;注塑模;实体造型;模具;模架 Abstract In recent years, the national revitalization of the machinery industry, the machinery related industries have paid more and more attention to CAD/CAM technology, not only because CAD/CAM technology has developed into a relatively mature common technology, but also because the design of plastic products and the plastic mold industry plays a more and more important role. The subject of this mold design is soap box, and the relevant process design and mold design for soap box are carried out. First, the size accuracy, the performance, the surface quality and the structure of the plastic parts ABS, the plastic parts are analyzed. The injection machine is selected preliminarily. The mold is calculated and analyzed with the CAD software. The emphasis is on the design of injection mold. First, the injection molding is analyzed. The surface quality of the plastic parts can not be ignored. The surface is not allowed to appear clearly, and the bubble scars can be used to analyze the possible cracks and bubbles that may appear in the injection molding. Then it is manufacturability, determine the number of cavity, mold type, mold main structure, in the main structure of the mold design including the cavity layout, gate selection, surface design, gating system design, exhaust system design, guide mechanism design, limit rod design, and then determine the main structure of the die. Then select the mold frame, cali


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