人教英语必修一练习:nit 1 ection Ⅰ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.docVIP

人教英语必修一练习:nit 1 ection Ⅰ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.doc

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eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 阅读理解 A Dear Mary, How are you? I saw you posted some wonderful photos of the coastline near your hometown. You’re really getting into your photography! Right now I’m taking a break from social media(媒体) to write you an email. Remember you said you’d like to come over to the UK sometime this year? Well,I was thinking that this year you might like to come to the Edinburgh Festival with me in August.I’ve got an aunt with a flat in the city centre who could put us up. Do you know much about the festival? It’s very famous—the biggest,most popular arts festival in the world! There are lots of things going on—art exhibitions(展览),concerts of all kinds,modern dance,a book festival,etc.The thing it’s most famous for is the newest and most exciting theatre.People come from all over the world and perform(表演) in their own language. In Scotland you have the best of both worlds: culture and wild land.After the festival,we could hire(租) a car and go up to some of the islands off the west coast,like Skye.The weather can be changeable in August,but the landscape(风景) is beautiful,with empty beaches and rocky mountains.It’s the perfect place for you to take photos.Afterwards,we could head back to the east coast and visit my friend Rob in St.Andrews.It’s really pretty and Rob’s enjoyable to be with.You’d get on well with him. So,why don’t you have a think about it and then get back to me? Take your time,there’s no rush. Speak to you soon, Sophie 【解题导语】 本文是一篇应用文。文章为一封邮件,主题为邀请朋友到苏格兰度假。 1.What is the best known activity at the Edinburgh Festival? A.Modern dance. B.Art exhibitions. C.Performances of plays. D.Different kinds of concerts. C 解析:细节理解题。由正文第三段中的The thing it’s most famous for is...perform(表演) in their own language.可知,爱丁堡艺术节最出名的活动是最新且最激动人心的戏剧表演。 2.What does Sophie suggest doing straight after the festival? A.Seeing her friend Rob in St.Andrews. B.Driving along the east coast of Scotland. C.Taking photos while climbing mountains. D.Visiting islands along the west co



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