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2020英语作文: 我听说我的朋友想拒绝我的邀请,因为路途遥远,交通不方便的原因,不想去郊外公园参加露天音乐会; (1)请你从解决他的问题 (2)还有音乐会的重要性两方面写一篇文章建议他参加这次活动! 2020高考英语听力 听力文本: I.Listening Comprehension SectionA Directions:? In Section A, you will hear ten shortconversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, readthe four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the bestanswer to the question you have heard. 1. W: Good afternoon.Take a seat, please. M: Thank you. I want tohave my hair cut and dyed black today. Question: Where does theconversation most probably take place to? 2. W: Excuse me, whereis the dining hall on the first floor of the dormitory building? M: But I'm afraid it'sclosed now. Anyway, the coffee shop next to the library is still open. ?Question: which place does the man imply thewoman should go to? 3.? W: Did you see my passport? I can't find itanywhere in my handbag. M: I remember you usedit yesterday to pay for those shoes with your credit card. Question: What is thewoman looking for? 4. W: That's the best lecture.I've really enjoyed it. M: But you fell asleepright after it started. Question: What can welearn from the conversation? 5. W: Shall we goshopping or take some snacks? M: Whatever you decideis cool with me. Question: What does theman mean? 6. ?M: Look! Page after page of advertisements.It's a waste of time reading them. W: Well, there are somethat may cheat people into buying products. Many are quite informative. Question: What is thewoman's opinion of advertisements? 7. W: Hi, Wang. Welcomeback. How is your training program in Shanghai? M: It was fruitful, althoughI didn't have much time to walk around as expected. Question: How does theman feel about his training program? 8.? W: Would you like to come round for dinner onmy birthday? It's next Saturday, the 18th. M: But for the school charitysale on


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