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学 海 无 涯 专升本英语翻译讲解 一、把握和理解句子结构 1. What can be done has been done. 正译:能做的事情都已做 了。 2. Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it get away? 正译:人家给了她这样一个 好机会,她怎么能轻易放 1 学 海 无 涯 过? 3. The police forced the way into the room, only to find the safe empty. 正译:警察破门而入,结果 发现保险箱已被洗劫一空。 4. It is impolite not return telephone calls—regardless of whom they are from. 正译:不回电话是不礼貌 的,不管电话是谁打来的。 2 学 海 无 涯 5. The increase in international business has created a need for managers with skills in cross-culture communication. 正译:国际贸易的增加需要 具有跨国文化交流技能的 经理。 6. Learning how to use the Internet effectively as a marketing tool means that you need to learn tow different but related bodies 3 学 海 无 涯 of language. 正译:学习有效地使用因特 网作为营销工具,意味着要 学习两类互不相同却互相 关联的知识。 7. I could not but admit that it was a wise decision. 正译:我不得不承认那是个 明智的决定。 8. These reports provide information on your courses 4 学 海 无 涯 and activity planning for the year. 正译:这些报告为你提供本 年度的课程与活动计划的 信息。 9. This book is divided into sixteen units that deal with topics of everyday conversation. 正译:本书共分为16 各单 元,内容涉及日常生活会


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