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Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage Enjoy and guess. the Great Wall Suzhou classical gardens the Forbidden City Yungang caves Beijing man Heritage Site Part1: ? The percentage of people who lived to the age of 50 were more than 5%. ? In December 1949, the site was listed as a world heritage site. Read the passage quickly and figure the following statements are true or false.( 判断正误 ) Part2: ? Two natural causes of the destruction of the caves are pollution from nearby cement factories and exposure to the air. ? UNESCO have recommended that the site should be closed and repaired. F F F T detailed reading Archaeologist prehistoric remains fossil skull primitive assistance existence sophisticated excavation catastrophe prehistoric human the process of evolution get involved (in) tourist attraction exposure to the air endangered heritage establish a fund contribute to raise public awareness be of vital importance ? 史前人类 ? 进化过程 ? 参与 , 卷入 ? 旅游胜地 ? 暴露在空气中 ? 濒危遗产 ? 建立基金会 ? 唤醒公众意识 ? 至关重要 Four sites where Beijing Man and his relations lived were discovered on the northern face of Dragon Bone Hill(Longgushan). 人们在龙骨山的北坡发现了北京人及其近亲居住 过的四处遗址。 Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds, causing serious damages. 不少地方杂草丛生,破败不堪。 ? 1.They have recommended that the site be closed and repaired. ? 他们提议关闭这个遗址并进行维修 ? 2.A professor at the Academy has proposed that a fund be established to raise money. ? 中科院的一位教授提议设立基金会来募集资金。 ? 3.We have requested that the government get involved, but we also need assistance from ordinary people. ? 我们已经要求政府参与,但我们同样需要普通 大众的协助。 ? 英语中表示 建议、请求、命令等主观意向 的 动 词 (suggest,propose,require,demand,desire, advise,order,insist...) 后的宾语从句, ? 以及它们 所对应的名词 (suggestion,proposal, requirement,demand, desire,advice,order, insistence...) 后的表语从句或同位语从句, ? 再加上它们的 过去分词 所在的“ It i


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